Chapter 5

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"You okay? Is Ray getting heavy?" Klaus asked amusedly as he walked with Stefan through the Smokey mountains.

He was on the hunt for werewolves in Tennessee, and Ray had led him straight to a pack. Stefan was just there for company, but Klaus was debating how long he really wanted to keep Stefan around. 

So far, he hadn't been fun at all.

"I'm fine."

"You sure about that? You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit down-"

"You know I get that we're, uh, we're stuck together Klaus, but if we could maybe just skip the chit chat, it'd be great."

"So much brooding, your self loathing is suffocating you my friend."

Klaus couldn't wait for Stefan to finally come around and be the wonderful ripper he knew back in the 20's. Otherwise, this was going to be a long decade.

"Maybe it's 'cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves. We've been at it all summer."

"Thanks to our pal Ray, we've found ourselves a pack."

The two walked up to a small camp filled with still human wolves meandering around and preparing to transform. Some were still pitching tents, some were carrying coolers, and one was lighting a fire. None of the wolves had noticed their arrival yet.

"There," he breathed, a wicked smile crossed over Klaus's face as he took in the sight of future hybrids.

As the two walked deeper into the camp, the wolves' conversations and preparations came to a halt. Some stood up in fear as Stefan walked into the camp with a dead Ray over his shoulder.

The ripper dumped Ray's did body over his shoulder and stood up to his full height. All of the wolves watched silently until a woman, who Klaus presumed to be the alpha, snapped out of her stupor.

"Ray! Oh my god!" She cried as she rushed towards his body, kneeling down beside him and assessing his injuries. "What's going on?"

"Who are you?" She bit out, looking up at Stefan with an expression mixed with fear and anger. 

The alpha was shaking, most likely from fear. She also seemed as though she was trying not to lunge at the both of them out of anger for hurting someone in her pack.

"The important question is, who am I?" Klaus cut in, stepping next to Stefan as he stared down at the alpha. "Please, forgive the intrusion. My name is Klaus."

The alpha stood up and gave Klaus a defiant glare. "You're they hybrid."

"You've heard of me, fantastic." Klaus said with a smirk.

Before he could further explain his intentions, he noticed a girl perk up at his words. She stood up from a rock towards the back of the camp and turned to face him, her mouth dropping open when he said his name.

Klaus's smirk didn't drop as the girl started walking towards him, a strange look on her face as she looked him over. Her mouth was slightly parted and her eyebrows were furrowed together as she stopped next to the alpha.

"Sloane, what are you doing?" The woman asked, her tone sharp as she put an arm out in front of the girl, never breaking eye contact with Klaus.

"Klaus, as in, Klaus or Niklaus Mikaelson?" The girl, Sloane, asked hesitantly.

Klaus felt his smirk drop from his face as his eyes narrowed at the girl. "How do you know that name?"

"Are you or are you not Niklaus Mikaelson?" Sloane asked again, straightening her shoulders and putting her hands on her hips. 

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