Guess Who

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Ive been gone for so long because you guys refused to comment to the last chapter so I waited to see who would , and no one would so I just decided to finish the book.


As I woke up ok inside a hospital bed I felt pain coming from everywhere no specific place. I pressed the button rapidly for help. But what I thought was a hospital was just a black room with holes for lights. When I looked down all I saw was needles everywhere in my body. As if I was a monster being experimented on. "Go back to sleep, we have work to do" , a familiar  voice said. " You thought I was dead?" "The real question is nigga. I'm the CEO of your company and Tianna Is my daughter and she's dead. What the fuck are you going to do about it." He yelled in my face. I stayed calm because I had millions of needles already in my body. I didn't know she had died.


" Do you like oatmeal." "Yes please." Claire said anxious. "Can I have two hash brown, some Apple cinnamon oatmeal, two oranges, and two Mcmuffins."

"Yes ma'am will that be all."


"Next window please."


  Today we woke up extra early to get breakfast for Chresanto and to surprise him. He hasn't been to work because of that dumbass. But I know soon he will, but for now he's kind of depressed. He isn't used to not working. "Surprise uncle Rock." She said putting emphasis on the -k. "Hey Teddy, thank you for breakfast." He said kissing her cheek, tickling her. " your welcome." She said finally escaping running into her new room to eat.

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"Thank you baby. I got good news" he said while eating "Whats wrong." I ask "Nothing my boss just called me earlier after you sunk out the bed." "How you know I snuck out the bed?" I said. "I know when my wife has left my presence, plus my legs got cold." he said drinking his orange juice. "When do you go?" "Tomorrow, and he gave me a warning and he said you had something to do with it." 

"Yeah maybe because he was going to fire you until I went up there and cussed his ass out. " I say "He act like I couldnt just go to another company though." he said smirking and rubbing my thigh. "But Im too happy I already picked out my outfit but I dont know whether to pick the tie with black and gray stripes or the one thats gray with black stripes." "Baby they look the same." I say unamused 

"Its not the same gray and black are two completely different colors." "Whatever." "And this time I pinky promise my family comes before my job, love." He said sticking his pinky finger out, that I later grabbed with my pinky only to be pounced on and bonbarded by kisses that later turn into hickeys. "Chresanto stop." I laugh "Why" he murmurs "because Claires can come in at any minute. "First give me a kiss." "Okay now move." 


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 "Now I gave Chresanto his job back thats only for a small price" "Whats that?" "Claire." "No I can't do that she's safe living with them and I dont trust you with Teddy bear." "Nigga did I ask you if you trusted me ,no  because this aint Aladdin and you aint Jazmine. if you don't do what I say nigga you'll be dead just like everyone think s you are and Claire will catch a few bullets too. Not to mention the unfortunate bad luck Chresanto and Raina will get." he said. "Look just don't hurt anybody ,and take these fucking needles out my skin." I said "You got balls yelling at me. Dont make me rip em off yo body and eat em." He left the room and three women came in to take out the needles. 

After wards the gurney I was on was tooken and the room seemed to be empty. They locked me in the room and they said some weird numbers to me "3E2S9G." I crawled into in to the corner and tried to process everything thats going to happen. I realized that seeing me again will hurt my baby girl and my family. Especially Chresanto we've been friends since forever and no matter how much he sucks in the tears I know it hurt him to hear I was dead. I just don't think that either way it goes I'll be able to survive and save everyone. Maybe I should just really die this time. I started to feel blood coming from my chest and I looked down where I saw a hole the same hole that I was shot at. I felt like I was drowning and I had a hard time breathing. I tried calling for help but my voice became very hoarse. I started to crawl towards the door when I heard heavy footsteps coming a bright light coming from the opening of the door. 


And then my eyes closed .....

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