Life alert (help I cant get up)

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As I walked in the building I was completely oblivious to what was about to happen to me. I was getting a divorce "Chresanto August left door down the hall" she replied
I followed her instructions and went to the left door. I opened the door seeing a judge and one lawyer 'MINE'. I guess she couldn't afford one and I wasn't tripping I knew why. She had completely depended on me for the smallest things in life.

"Thanks Mr. August for finally joining us. Now you guys want a divorce, first I wanna know why." The judge said fully out of line but I didn't mind.
"I forgot how to love her" I said
"What makes you think you can't fix that" the judge says

"Ask her she wants the divorce"
We turn to Raina with a frightened look on her face. "Chresanto doesn't know how to express his feelings well and I refuse to live with someone unwilling to change" she replied
" told you I would take classes. I said I would change I said I would try just for you." I said

"Chresanto you have to change not just for me but-" that's when her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she started shaking immediately showing signs of her having a seizure. She had never had a seizure not to my information anyway.
The judge immediately called 911 and had an ambulance come as I wiped her face from the spit forming on the outside of her mouth. I picked her up cause she had fell to the floor. All I could do was hold her and wait for the ambulance to come.

I couldn't help but stare at her beauty. She looked beautiful with no makeup and she smelled so good. I missed her touch and her ever so familiar scent.
At that moment I knew I needed her and she needed me. I needed to take care of her not financially but emotionally and physically. I'm not gonna say I wasn't thinking about that because I was I missed her in the very worst ways as possible. Not in a crazy way but in a way a teen craves for their crush.

Raina was still breathing and as they finally arrived taking my beauty away I asked to ride on the way there in case she woke up confused. She did, only to have another seizure.
My poor baby 😷
She need me, my support, and comfort.


Chresanto walked in and the room began uneasy and the judge spoke. "Thanks Mr. August for finally joining us. So you guys wanna divorce, first I wanna know why." She said
I was kinda taken by surprise when she asked that, because honestly it's none of her business so I replied. "Chresanto doesn't know how to express his feelings well and I refuse to live with someone unwilling to change".
" told you I would take classes. I said I would change I said I would try just for you." I said

"Chresanto you have to change not just for me but-" that's when everything became difficult for me. I couldn't see and I became unconscious.
Later I woke in an ambulance only for it to happen again. I kept waking up only to have blurred vision and fall back to sleep is what I think was happening. I was completely gone from earth and the problems coming from it. It was now a dream where I could easily change things.


"Where THE FUCK IS SHE" I yelled to the secretary. "Sir sit down they are trying to see what wrong" she said. "I JUST WANNA SEE HER I WANNA KNOW WHATS WRONG WITH HER" I said once again. This went on for an hour me and her going back and fourth. It was only 5:00 pm everything had happened so fast. Just a week ago I had the privilege of kissing her and making love to my wife. Now I didn't even have the privilege to see her. It was pissing me off. "Sir if you don't calm down we'll be forced to call security. So sit down and collect yourself quietly." She warned
Honestly I didn't care what she had to say, call security they don't know me. I'll sue everyone in this bitch. I finally thought they probably won't let me back in until tomorrow so I'd have to obey her. 😤

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