Can somebody tell me what happened?

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  I went to Chresantos conference and we actually won the business deal. So Im happy about that and Im happy I get to home and see my munchkin. I miss her so much, of course we face timed everyday. So I got to see her but its not the same as seeing someone in person. I had ma bring her back to my house so I could just go back home but other than that Im boarding a plane right now and this creepy ass girl keep staring at me. I mean she aint ugly but damn give a nigga some space to breathe mentally. I think shes from some other country though, she looks foreign. 

 "Hey baby" I yell once I open my front door. "DADDY" she says running to hug my legs. I pick her up and close the door moving my suitcases out the way. So I can hug the life out of her. "You missed me?" I ask, she nods. I kiss all over her face making her laugh. "Can we play dress up" she asks.

"Yea let daddy put his suitcases up" she nods and runs upstairs waiting for me. Then I see my Mom packing up to leave "Hey momma you going home?" "Yeah Im tired she had me up all night waiting for you." she says "Ok" I say kissing her cheek and hugging her as she walks out.

"Daddy dogs dont talk" she said putting makeup on my face. "Dogs dont wear makeup either" I say making her laugh messing my lipstick up. "OK Im finished now, piggy back ride" she commands "I thought I was a dog, dogs dont give piggy back rides. I thought dogs just barked" i say, then she started pouting and I gave in and gave her a piggy back ride.


"Come on were gonna be late" I say trying to get Chresanto off of me. He ignored it and continued to kiss my neck. "Baby shes gonna charge us regardless on if we go or not. "I say laughing. He sighs and gets up. "Why do we even need to go, were fine" He says referring to the marriage class. "Because I want to make sure were good." I said kissing his cheek. "Whatever" He said putting his coat on.

   I drove since he was being a big baby and we ended up being late anyway. So I parked and rushed in which I guess irritated Chres because he took his sweet ole time walking inside the building. "August" I told the secretary. "Right side third door" she said not making an effort for eye contact. We walked down the hallway hand in hand and I felt like this would be really easy since weve been spending time together. We walked straight in and sat down in front of our counselor, Mrs.Micheal apparently. "Okay so since your late lets begin. Mr and Mrs.August whats the goal of these appointments?" I was shocked at how forward she was. "To rekindle the love we had when we first started dating" I say "Is that right Mr.August?" she asks him. He nods reluctantly "So how long have you been married?" "Five years" Chresanto says. 

"So whats the problem between you too?"

"We've grown apart" I say leaving chresanto with a straight face.

"Is there a problem, Mr.august"

"I dont think we've grown apart I just think we havent been very intimate or comforting to one another." he says

"Mrs.August why do you feel youve grown apart?"

"Because I mean whenever we try to be comforting to one other or get ya know intimate, its so awkward. Like since we havent did it in a while."

"Well what do you think caused this problem?"

I hesitated I didnt wanna be the one answering all the questions either.

"I work really long hours most of the week, well all week and when I get home I kinda have got into routine of buying dinner and going in my office and shutting her out. "He admits.

The counselor thinks for a minute.

"Okay I think there's an easy answer to your problem, and you wont have to come back to me unless theres another problem. You guys have no kids, so its easy to fix this. Mr.August no matter how much you love that McDonald, but your wife wants to feed you and eat with you. So when you go home your home not at work. Dont bring work home unless its needed, and that shouldnt last long, an hour tops. You should at least come see her when you get home and greet her, and if you miss her show her, give her a kiss. Woman love when you openly express love not just saying things. Oh and have at least one of day for date night. Mrs.August hes a working man so you have to understand he's tired. So if your in the mood dont pressure him." she lectures

"Now one last question, since in most relationships. Once theres no love or sex involved one or both spouses my have did something to feel loved or get attention. So have either of you cheated on one another?"

The room was quiet and I knew he did but I didnt know if he would admit it.
"Hello" she said getting our attention

"Im faithful" I said
he sighed

"Did you cheat Mr.August ?"



"MRS.AUGUST let him talk quiet" she spoke

"Yes" He mumbled loud enough for us to speak.

  I knew but I had never heard him tell me and I was felling really bad at this point.

"Im not gonna lecture you on what a relationship is based off of your a grown ass man and you know what you did was wrong. From what I see you havent admitted to your wife. So your probably in a little trouble. But the truth will set you free. please do your homework and I promise you guys will have 10 kids when your finished." she said

  I smirked at the thought that I could be pregnant but I was still pissed.

  He drove home because he knew I was hurt. The whole ride was silent and I liked it that way. So I think about this whole situation. I didnt plan on this turning out so badly but it did. I didnt know shed be so personal but she was. But at the same time Im glad she was the one that asked and I wasnt. I knew he was a little uncomfortable being there and I was to. And she was right hes in trouble.

  When we got home I calmly walked into my house. I went up to my room and started a shower, quickly stripped and got in the shower. I didnt want him hearing me cry, not that I had cried enough in front of him. Just embarrassing myself, honestly. I just let it all out so I didnt have any tear to shed once I confronted him. If I could even confront him. So when I actually got finished I turned the water off and wrapped myself in a towel cause I already knew he'd be in there. "Heard you" He said surprisingly not brushing his teeth, just waiting for me. "Heard what?"

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