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m/m the song kinda goes with this chapter I'd listen while reading.

I woke up a little frustrated at the fact that I had to go to court today. I've been extra tired lately though, I would make a appointment but my insurance was covered by him. I'll have to just drink some orange juice or something I don't know fuck it. Claire was still sleep because it was 9:00 am. I decided to make pancakes and sausages for everybody. So I got out of bed grabbed some sweats Travis let me borrow and I went downstairs. I needed some source of happiness since today was gonna be all crying and misunderstandings. As soon as I found the pancake mix I found something else too. It was a magazine a nasty magazine. Really Travis you could've left those type of magazines in your room. "Morning " Travis said I had took the magazine out and you could see it in clear view. I didn't want him to know I found it so I put it back before he saw me. "Whatcha doing" he said sitting on his couch turning the tv on. "Cooking. And Travis I don't think magazines go with pots and pans" I said "what maga- oh yeah" he said a little embarrassed. "It's okay I don't judge, do what you gotta do. " I said. "It's not even like that though." He said "O so how is it" "a friend left it here and if I put it in my room Claire might find it" he said "find what, my present " Claire said wiping her eyes. "No baby" he said picking her up. "You want some pancakes" he asked "yes please" she's so cute.

"What do you say" Travis said "thank you Raina" she said putting her plate in the dish washer. "Your welcome" I said cleaning the kitchen up. "I got it, besides if you don't get down town early you might catch traffic " Travis said. "Ok" I said later to walk upstairs and find an outfit. Then I realized I didn't have any clothes. Think think what Am I gonna do. I decided to put some sweats on and go to marshals or something. I drove off and stopped at the mall. My time was limited so I quickly found and outfit and walked to check out. "150.67" the cashier said it kinda hurt to hear that price but it's kinda embarrassing to put things back and I needed some clothes. So I quickly left to change in my car. My outfit was a dark wash skinny jean a gray scarf white v-neck and a gray sweater. Not to dressy just appropriate. I also bought some other things. Anyways I had managed to skip traffic and enter downtown. But looking for a parking spot was hell. I mean I guess everyone knew it would traffic so they came early. I parked and paid for a couple hours then I walked in ready for whatever was going my way. "Mrs. August right door left hall way" the secretary instructed. "Thanks" I said walking as slow as possible. I knew today wasn't gonna be easy for me. Especially if Chresanto new the lawyer. He knew a lot of judges and lawyers from his job and I feel like they never take me serious so he'd probably win whatever he wants. I just hope he shows mercy on me. I opened the door and Chresanto had not yet arrived, I was alittle shocked but relieved. "Good morning miss August he's running a little late but he'll be here momentarily" she said I nodded and took a seat.

The night before

"Cheers to your divorce" Mike said "nigga what" I said confused "cheers" I really couldn't understand he clearly especially because I was drunk. We partied practically all night and I got a driver since we were all getting drunk. We were all going through something and we just wanted to have fun instead of worry about the horrible things in life. "I don't fuck wit you " the stereos blasted out into our almost deaf ears. Mike and Jamie had girls dancing on them as I watched at the bar. The dance floor was hot and sweating. Besides I trust people around my drinks. "Bitch get to peach emojis over here" he said trying to drag here. "Nigga let me go" she said trying to get him to release. "Girl he probably eat booty you better stay" another hoe said. All of a sudden she stopped and agreed with him. "Hell naw I don't eat no shitty booty. Bitch you bout to suck dis chocolate Twinkie." He said wobbling. Then some tall nigga came over " bitch nigga let go of my girl before I beat yo ass" he replied furious. " I already did Shaquille, what was you go do about it anyway eat me. Pshh (he jumped at him) AINT gon do shit but bitch about shit cause yo sorry ass. Be sucking di*** for a living. " Jamie said then all of a sudden he knocked his ass out. I grabbed my shit real quick and Mike to help Jamie up so we could leave. Our driver dropped them off at home and me lastly.


As I sat on the floor near the toilet sobering up I realized all I could think about was Raina. Why did she have this affect on me. Deep down I could never hate her I'd always love her.

The present day

I woke up a hour late (hang over) meaning I'd be late for the meeting. I didn't wanna go but I knew it was for the best. I took a shower then got dressed. Later grabbing my keys to only be caught in traffic so I called the judge. She understood and paused our session. After a symphony of horns and slow ass cars I made it. I parked by it seems like the only parking spot left and I entered the building.

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