Forever and a Day

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"So do you know where you wanna go" he said


"Then we can't go"

"Can you surprise me"

He didn't speak

"Do you know why I work so hard. I do it so we can keep this house and have fun every once in a while." He

Said almost yelling

"You've never told me that so how was I suppose to know. You barely talk to me anymore. If it wasn't for this argument we wouldn't be talking."

"That's a lie we talk all the time and you know it. It's just that sometimes I have to bring work home." He


"That's the last thing I want you to do I want to spend time with my husband." I said frustrated

" we'll you didn't say that when I gave you money to buy all the shit you do. All to clothes how you think we can afford them, because of me all day I'm at work. Your here doing nothing." He said confidently

"Nothing what the hell I clean I cook I make sure everything in this house it's put together nice and I cook for you. Although most of the time you come home with food already."

"That's nothing compared to what I have to do all day."he said

"We'll I'm sorry you feel that way, I wish I could help. But you won't let me help."

"You never asked me to help" he said

"I might have never said it but I've always showed that I wanted to." I said

"Give me one time" he said

"The night I asked you to come to bed."

"How was that help" he said arrogantly

"It would've helped you relax. But you wouldn't know you don't even touch me anymore." I said

"Why are you making it as if it's my fault. I do nothing but provide for us to make sure your happy. I never have fun anymore, never so if you don't wanna go I'm not stoping you. But I'm going, I need this vacation." He said walking upstairs to his bedroom.

I followed

"Can you just listen" I said

"Listen you want me to listen all your gonna say is how. I never do this anymore or that anymore."

"No I wasn't baby." He looked at me confused

"What" I said

"You called me baby" he said

"Yeah I know, I used to always call you that." I said smirking

" what did you have to say." He said

"Do you want me to go with you"

"More than ever, yeah why"

"I just thought because," I said

"Because what, because we just argued about it, bae it was just an argument I'm over it now." He said

"We'll can I ask you something" he nodded

" Do you love me" I said

"Forever and a day" he said I smiled and he pulled me in for a kiss.

Maybe the vacation isn't such a bad idea.

Hard Work: ft Roc RoyalWhere stories live. Discover now