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"So I heard Jungwoo kissed you today

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"So I heard Jungwoo kissed you today.", Ten smirked. Yukhei buried his face in his hands.

"It was just a peck on the cheek, it was his way of showing gratitude just because I helped him in the library!", Yukhei groaned.

"Well, at least you got some kind of attention from your crush.", Ten teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

"As if you don't have a thing for our dance instructor, Johnny.", Hendery butted in.

"I definitely do not!", Ten gasped. "And also, I do not dream about having a threesome with two certain people.", he retorted, crossing his arms.

"Ten, I swear to God-", Hendery didn't get to finish his sentence.

"Both of you stop now. We're in the cafeteria, and not in our homes!", Kun interrupted them.

"But-", Ten tried to compromise. "Try and fight once more, and you don't get to see Johnny for a week.", Kun warned. Ten just pouted and sat back.

"Aha! This proves you have feelings for Johnny!", Hendery just clicked his fingers and cackled.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, guys!", Sicheng set his tray on the table.

"Where were you?", Kun asked.

"Professor Choi was discussing my progress in maths. I've been failing.", Sicheng frowned.

"Is it because of the break-up?", Yangyang piped up. Sicheng's eyes softened. Memories of his relationship came tumbling down like a ton of bricks. His eyes started watering.

Upon noticing Sicheng's state, Xiaojun changed the topic, "Didn't you guys have a history test last week?"

"Oh don't remind me about that. I can't believe I got a D. Professor Nakamoto was disappointed.", Sicheng shook his head vigorously.

"Our Ten here made an excuse that he was sick, because he didn't study a bit.", Kun chuckled.

His sentence sent everyone into fits of giggles.


"...and that's how he became the king.", Yuta concluded, and the bell rang signaling the end of college.

Just as Sicheng was about to go out of the classroom, Yuta called back.

"Sicheng, can I please have a word with you?"

Sicheng turned around, and on his part, it was a grave mistake. Yuta was standing right there looking like a God. His long hair was freed from the bounds of his hair tye, and the first three buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, exposing his chest. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up and they hugged his biceps perfectly. Sicheng gulped. He never really noticed how attractive Professor Nakamoto was.

"Y-yes, Professor Nakamoto?", Sicheng mentally cursed at himself for stuttering.

"I've been noticing you've not been doing well in history. I won't force you to tell me what's wrong. I just wanted to ask you if you're willing for extra credit?", Yuta questioned.

Extra credit? That could certainly help Sicheng.

"It's okay, you don't have to answer now. Just think about it and let me know tomorrow, alright?", Yuta gently smiled.

"Yes, I will. Thank you, Professor Nakamoto.", Sicheng bowed.

Yuta just flashed him a dazzling smile.

Sicheng got out of the classroom, a blushing mess.

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