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Déjà vu

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Déjà vu.

Déjà vu was how Sicheng would describe it when a familiar hand pulled him into a dark corner of the college corridor once again. This time he was not greeted with a kiss, but a quivering 'I'm sorry'. His breath caught as he could see the hidden pain in the older's eyes as he mumbled out 'sorries'.

Sicheng wanted to hold Yuta, reassure him that he still loved the older, but his conscience was holding him back. Yuta had pinned the younger's hands by his side, and Sicheng could feel Yuta's hot breath on his neck. Yuta placed a chaste kiss on the Chinese's neck, and nuzzled his neck in the crook of his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," Yuta let out, his voice small, "I'm sorry for everything, just come back to me. Please. But before you say anything, let me tell you this. I didn't cheat on you Sicheng, I wouldn't ever think of cheating on you. I love you so much, just come back to me."

Sicheng's breath caught in his throat, the close proximity making his senses go haywire. He could feel his uniform getting wet by Yuta's tears, but he couldn't care less. All he could think about was Yuta's words. Were they true? Did he really mean it when he said he loved him?

Not being able to think of anything, Sicheng found escape was the most suitable solution now, "L-let me go," he stated, his voice shaking, keeping his tears at bay. He wished he could believe Yuta, but the sight he witnessed was far from what the older had said. "I-I'm sorry, I c-can't come back to y-you, let m-me go."

Again those same damned words.

Yuta jerked his head upwards, his eyes red and puffy, tears streaming down his cheeks. He shook his head rapidly, "Please don't, Sicheng! I can't live without you," Yuta held Sicheng's hands in his, gripping them tightly, his eyes pleading, "I didn't cheat on you! I swear! She forced herself on me!"

Lies or the truth? Sicheng didn't know. He didn't know what to believe, he himself was confused as his heart told him to believe the older, but his brain told him to believe that wretched sight. He searched Yuta's eyes for any insincerity, as he fought his inner turmoil. Even though he couldn't find any dishonesty, the younger still didn't say anything.

The Chinese snatched his hands away from the older's grip, "I have a class," he just muttered and walked away, his breath falling heavily. Yuta just stood there, his attempt to make Sicheng believe him once again futile. The Japanese hit the wall, as he tried to let out all his emotions.

Would Sicheng ever believe him?


To believe Yuta or to not believe Yuta, was Sicheng's dilemma. One part of him wanted to run into the older's arms again, and the other part of him wanted to stay away from him. To have your heart broken several times isn't easy, it was a surprise for Sicheng himself that he still made it through.

"Hyung! Sicheng hyung! Wait!" A sudden shout broke him out of his thoughts. Turning back, the Chinese saw Jaemin running towards him, his right hand held up in a 'wait' sign. On reaching the older, Jaemin leaned against the wall, catching his breath, "I wanted to talk to you about something."

Sicheng looked at the younger, having the faintest idea of what he wanted to talk about. Nevertheless, he kept a blank face, nodding his head and urging the younger to go on. "It's about Yuta hyung." Yuta's name alone made the older freeze, a sigh falling from his lips. Sicheng gathered the courage to talk, and looked at the younger, "What about him?"

Jaemin looked up at the taller, his eyes slightly softening, "Yuta hyung didn't cheat on you, he would never do that." The older averted his eyes from the younger's face, "I saw him with my own eyes, he was kissing a woman," he mumbled. "Yuta hyung didn't tell you anything, did he?" Jaemin asked. "About what? What didn't he tell me?" The Chinese questioned, slightly restless. 

Sicheng's eyes widened after hearing what Jaemin had shared with him. The younger had told him everything about Yuta's arranged marriage with Ji-ah, and how Ji-ah blackmailed him for not agreeing. He even told Sicheng about the fact that the woman forced herself on the Japanese, and not the opposite.

The Chinese cursed at himself for not believing Yuta the whole time. He didn't even bother to give the older a chance to explain before he perceived the situation the wrong way. He had lost so much time by breaking up with Yuta, but now Sicheng was determined to make things right again.


Yuta was correcting the history assignments, when suddenly the sound of the doorbell rung through the empty apartment. Was he expecting someone today? No, not that he could think of. No parcel was supposed to be delivered today, and Johnny was staying over at Ten's, so there was no question of the older turning up at his apartment either. Then who could it be?

Running a hand through his hair, he lazily walked towards the door and opened it, when a sudden force jumped onto him, pushing him to the floor. Yuta could feel hot tears soaking into his blue hoodie, and he could hear small sniffles coming from the younger. "I'm sorry," the younger let out, "I'm sorry for not believing you. I'm sorry for acting so cold towards you. I'm sorry for not giving you a chance to explain. I'm sorry for everything, Yuta. Everything. Please take me back, make me yours again. Love me again, please. I promise I won't leave you again. I love you, Yuta. I love you so much, just make me yours again."

The older gently pat the younger's back, drawing small circles with his thumb. He raised Sicheng's face, which was tucked in the crook of his shoulder, and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead. The Chinese's black eyes had glazed over with tears, as he cried at the small show of affection. "I never wanted to leave you in the first place, Petal. You don't know how sad I was when you left me. It was like my whole world had crumbled down, pulling me into a dark abyss. But now that you're here, I'm never leaving you again. You're mine, and I'm yours, Petal. I love you."

With those words, Yuta joined their lips together, as the younger cried into the kiss. They held each other as if this was their last. They were finally back together, both their hearts filled with nothing but pure and true love for each other. Now nothing else mattered to Yuta, because Sicheng was finally his.

Not even the wedding that was in a week's time.

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