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"If you don't stop jumping right now, I'm going to stop the car immediately!"

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"If you don't stop jumping right now, I'm going to stop the car immediately!"

"But I can't take the suspense anymore! Please tell me where we're going, please!"

Sicheng had woken up in a super hyper state today, the reason of his excitement being the date. He'd already pestered Yuta about where it would take place, but the older had replied with a 'nowhere special, dress casually.'

Of course this single sentence had not satiated the younger's curiosity, so here he was jumping on the seat of the car with Yuta sporting a half annoyed and half amused expression. The Japanese was obviously frustrated on most part, I mean, how can you keep your eyes both on the road and on your hyperactive boyfriend?

"If I tell you where we're going, then it won't be a surprise. And I know you love surprises," Yuta said, knowing very well that Sicheng's love for surprises would prevent him from arguing further.

"Ugh fine," The other pouted, crossing his arms and leaning back on the seat. He looked out of the window, the pout still on his face, but inside he couldn't wait for the surprise his boyfriend had arranged for him.


A blast of cold air hit the couple as they entered a small and cozy library. There were numerous shelves next to each other, all of them filled with varieties of books.

A tiny desk sat opposite to the entrance, a librarian peering over a voluminous book, thick glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. His head shot up at the gentle tinkle of the bell and he greeted the duo with a small smile and a slight shake of his head.

Yuta took Sicheng's hand and led him to a corner decorated with colorful cushions. "This is my go-to place whenever I feel down," Yuta said, pulling his boyfriend to sit down beside him, "Books never fail to calm me down."

The younger smiled at the older, already loving the peaceful atmosphere of the snug library. He made himself comfortable on the cushions and then asked, "But why are we here? Is this the destination of our date? Because if it is, then I love it!"

The Japanese laughed at his lover's enthusiastic response, "Well, Petal, this is only the first part of our date, there's more to it."

"And remember how you told me you wanted to travel the world?" Yuta continued, "Well..." He got up and pulled out a thick, dusty book from a nearby shelf, "Why don't we explore the whole world by just sitting here?" He asked, a smile sneaking up on his face.

The Chinese's face conveyed utter confusion, "Travel the whole world...? By just sitting here...? I-- how?"

Yuta giggled, the sound being pure bliss for Sicheng, as he too smiled along, "That's why, my dear Petal, we're here. I'll make your dreams come true in just an hour!"


Giggle and excited shrieks resonated throughout the whole library. The old librarian smiled as he saw the couple lying down on their stomachs with the thick book of destinations in front of them. "Ah...young love," He shook his head, smiling to himself as he remembered the times when he too was their age.

"Look look! It's Niagara Falls, Yuta! Look!" Sicheng excitedly pointed at a picture of the famous waterfall, "I've always wanted to visit that place! And look here.." He turned the page to reveal another place, "The Eiffel Tower! It looks so beautiful when the lights are switched on the in the evening!"

Yuta stared at the excited boy beside him, a lazy smile on his face and his head resting on his palm. He noticed the way the younger's face would light up every time he'd find one of his most favourite places.

He loved Sicheng so much, he'd do anything for him. The younger was important than anybody else, even more important than his family. He wanted the other all to himself. Call him selfish, but the past incidents had proved how valuable the younger was and how much Yuta needed Sicheng in his life.

"....Yuta! Yuta!" His boyfriend's calls broke him out of his thoughts. "Huh? You were saying something?" Yuta asked, a little puzzled since he didn't know what the younger was talking about.

Sicheng nodded and pointed at the big, bold letters on top of the page. Osaka, Japan. "It's where you were born, right?" He tilted his head cutely, his doe eyes staring at him for a reply.

Yuta smiled wistfully as he nodded, he really missed that place. "Yeah," He said, his sharp eyes taking in all the information about his birthplace.

"Will you take me there in future?" The younger's question made him stop reading. Never had he thought that the younger would ask him that question.

It made Yuta happy. Happy because Sicheng wanted to learn more about him and visit places he had grown up in. And when his dear boyfriend made a request like that, who was he to say no?

"Of course, Petal," The older pressed a kiss to the younger's cheek, "I'll take you and show you all the things I've seen when I grew up there!" He wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's shoulders and pulled him closer.

"Thank you~" The Chinese replied, before giggling and pulling the older into an eskimo kiss. They rolled onto their backs, both still giggling like little children.

The Japanese got up as he placed the book back on the shelf, "You ready for the next part of our date, Petal?"

"Mhm, very much. Where are we going?" Those beautiful doe eyes sparkled in never-ending curiosity.

"That's a surprise too," Yuta whispered before booping their noses together.

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