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"You do know that the wedding is in three weeks, right? We need to step forward with your plan, otherwise we'll never succeed

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"You do know that the wedding is in three weeks, right? We need to step forward with your plan, otherwise we'll never succeed."

"I remember. In fact, I was thinking it's time."

"Time for what?"

"Time to move on with our plan. We have given them a lot of time to relax. More than two weeks, to be precise. I don't think they have any idea of what is to come."


"I'd like to marry you one day," Yuta stated, taking Sicheng's hand in his and rubbing his finger over the younger's ring finger, "We'll have a small family of our own, a daughter and a son and maybe we'll adopt a cat."

"You're being too ambitious, Yuyu," Sicheng laughed, keeping his head on the older's shoulder.

"There's nothing wrong about dreaming of a future with someone I love," the Japanese said.

"You're a teacher and I'm a student, Yuta. We're not allowed to be in a relationship. It's forbidden. Anything could happen in the near future that could be a cause of our breakup," the younger advised, his mood dampening at the thought.

Yuta wrapped his arms around his lover, "I love you and that's what matters the most. I'd give up my job as a teacher if it means that I get to be with you for the rest of my life."

Sicheng looked up at Yuta, eyes taking in each and every feature of the older's face and memorizing them. "I wonder what I did to deserve someone like you. No one has ever said something so heartwarming to me before."

The Japanese just smiled and tightened his hold on the younger, "I love you, Petal."

"I love you too, Yuyu."

The couple stayed in each other's arms for the rest of the evening under the starry sky. Yuta ran his fingers through his lover's hair, staring lovingly at him and places occasional kisses on his forehead.

He'd do anything to protect the younger.


Sicheng practically lived in Yuta's apartment now. He'd stay the nights sometimes, some days the couple would just spend the day cuddling and watching dramas. To Johnny and Ten, they were the 'lovesick couple' who could not stay without each other.

Right now, Yuta was freaking out.


Because the wedding was in three weeks and he didn't tell Sicheng about it yet. He knew that the younger wouldn't be happy with the news. But better late than never, right?

A sudden hand on his shoulder startled the Japanese. Turning around, he saw Sicheng looking at him, eyes full of worry. "Are you okay, Yuyu? You seem awfully jumpy today," the Chinese asked.

The older shook his head, "It's nothing you should worry about, Petal. Are you going out?"

"Yeah, I'm heading to the grocery store. Do you need anything?"

The Japanese absent-mindedly shook his head, his mind too preoccupied with the wedding. Sicheng, seeing that the older was not paying any attention, slowly went out of the room.

A few minutes later, the door bell suddenly rang. Sicheng's already done? It was then that opening the door, Yuta's expression changed to a cold one.

Jung Ji-ah.

She was standing there with an annoying expression painted on her face as always. And she looked ridiculous. Once again. Does she have no fashion sense at all?

"What do you want?" Yuta asked, already wanting the Korean far far away from his home.

Ji-ah strutted inside the apartment as if it was her own. After a while of checking every room, she went and finally settled in Yuta's bedroom. Not having understood any of her motives, the Japanese followed her into his bedroom, to again question her presence.

"Why are you here?" Yuta finally asked the actual question.

"You're going to be my husband in three weeks, can't I visit my home?" Ji-ah looked at the older, feigning innocence.

Yuta sighed. Can't she get anything inside her own head? He's told her so many times that he didn't want to marry her, but still she's coming back.

"This is not your home and neither am I your future husband. I've told you countless of times that I don't want this marriage, but still you come back. I'll tell father my decision, let's see what happens," Yuta coldly replied.

Ji-ah just shook her head and laughed. She walked around the room, her fingers tracing each and every nook of the furniture in it. "Do you think he will listen to you after everything you've done?"

Yuta was confused. After everything he'd done? What had he done? She didn't know about his relationship with Sicheng, right? Nevertheless, Yuta composed himself, trying not to show any signs of panic on his face. "What do you mean?"

Ji-ah let out a shrill laughter, "Oh hubby, you very well know what I mean!" the Korean slithered a hand into her bag, and pulled out an envelope, bringing out a few pictures.

Pictures of Sicheng and him. Kissing, hugging, laughing.

Ji-ah waved the pictures in front of Yuta's face, an evil smile adorning her face. "You think we didn't know? Well, now you see, we know everything, and by 'we' I mean your father and I."

Yuta was rooted to his place. His heart was thumping loudly in his chest, and he felt as if not a single sound went through his ears. Those pictures. How did she get them? Gaining his senses back, he tried to snatch them from her hand, but she moved away.

"You're not getting them, hubby dear. They are staying with me, and you can do nothing about it. Now you have no other choice than to marry me!" she clapped her hands, laughing like a maniac.

"I won't marry you. There is no force in this whole world that can convince me to marry you. I love Sicheng, and I'll marry only him," Yuta said, his voice hard and cold.

Ji-ah looked at him with wide eyes. She never thought he'd stand up against her. She thought that he would go weak and surrender after seeing the pictures, but she was wrong. What do I do now?

"What can I do to ensure the photos won't be sent to the college?" Yuta questioned, his eyes slightly pleading.

Ji-ah could hear the faint creak of the front door opening, and that's when an idea struck her. She inched towards Yuta, her fingers trailing up and down his arms. She leaned in and whispered in his ear:

"Kiss me."

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