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"Thank you, see you soon

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"Thank you, see you soon." Yuta smiled, handing the bill to a customer and waving at them. 

"Whew, last customer," Taeil said as he went over to the café door and turned the sign to 'closed'. "So Yuta," The older turned at the younger, "How was your experience here today?"

Yuta pursed his lips for a moment, "Tiring, but nice. I like it."

Both of them continued to talk as they got ready to exit the café. A knock was heard on the glass window of the little shop, breaking the duo out of their conversation. Yuta gasped once he saw who it was. It was Sicheng, and the older had completely forgotten that they had a dinner date after this.

Yuta quickly bid his goodbye to Taeil as sauntered out of the shop, where his boyfriend was waiting. "Hi," The older said, lacing his fingers with his lover's and placing a small kiss on his hand.

"Hey," The younger answered, "How was work?"

The older nodded from side to side before replying with a soft 'good'. The couple headed to a restaurant -- Sicheng's favourite restaurant -- where the younger ranted out all his frustration of having to hear hours and hours of Ten's infatuation with hands; especially Johnny's, and the older laughing at his lover, commenting on how cute he was. 


"I can't believe Kun and Ten are graduating this year," Sicheng pouted, resting his head on Yuta's shoulder. 

The couple had come to their spot after their little date; to be honest, all their dates ended with them coming to their spot. It was quiet, calm and peaceful, and the couple just loved to sit there in each other' arms.

"I don't even know what I'd do without them! It's going to be a nightmare," He cuddling into the older.

Yuta chuckled, his eyes on his pouty and adorable boyfriend, before he placed a kiss on his cheek; then on his nose; his forehead; and lastly his lips. The younger looked at him, faint red colouring his cheeks, "Did you even pay attention to what I said?"

"Nope." The older answered, his eyes glistening with love, "I was busy looking at you, Petal."

"Flirt." Sicheng chuckled, averting his eyes from Yuta's face to the river.

"Only for you." Yuta said as he pressed a kiss on the younger's temple.

The couple sat in the silence, until the older broke the ice, "I can't believe you're graduating next year."

The younger nodded, sitting up and crossing his legs. "I know right," He nodded, turning towards Yuta, "Nothing can stop us from being in a relationship after that."

"That's the best part," The older whispered, a smile forming on his lips, "No hiding, no sneaky kisses;  even though it was pretty fun."

The younger giggled, his eyes forming into small crescents. "It added to the thrill."

The older chuckled, "It sure did."


"Are you sure he's ready for that, Yuta?"

"I'll do it after an year, Yong. I'm pretty sure he'll say yes."

Yuta could hear Taeyong sigh on the other side, "It's not the question of yes or no, Yu. It's a lifetime commitment, shouldn't you just talk with him about it?"

"But he's moved in with me, and we've been together for nearly an year," Yuta said, "And if I propose to him an year later, hyung, then won't he say yes? I mean that's enough time, right?"

"You don't understand, Yuta! Marriage and moving in isn't the same," The older explained, "What if he's just content with a live-in relationship?"

"He's not," The younger shook his head even though Taeyong couldn't see him, "I had told him about my wish of marrying him, about having a family; he didn't deny it."

"Why did you ask me if you've already decided?" The older asked in an annoyed tone.

"It's just that...you know more about it; being married with Jaehyun for over a year. So I wanted to ask you?" Yuta concluded in a questioning manner.

The older sighed again, "Yuta, Yuta...if you really love him--"

"I love him with my whole heart!" The younger cut off the older, offended.

"Let me finish, asshat," Taeyong reprimanded him from the other line. He really lived up to his title of 'mother' sometimes. "If you really love him, then go ahead. But don't if you're not sure; it could lead to misunderstandings."

"I'm absolutely sure," Yuta mumbled.

"Then propose to him, simple."

"It's not simple, Yong! Even if I'm proposing after he's graduated, my hands are shaking with nervousness  now. I fall more in love with him everyday. He's....he's just so perfect."

"Aww, you guys are so cute," Taeyong cooed, "Don't forget to invite me to your wedding!"

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Bye," Yuta chuckled.

"Bye, Yu!"

After the call with Taeyong, Yuta headed up to the couple's bedroom, where Sicheng laid asleep. The older gently moved away the strands falling on his eyes, and pressed a soft kiss on his lover's forehead.

"I love you so much, my Petal," He whispered.


A/N: Two more chapters left :(

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