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"You like it?"

"Like it? I love it!" Sicheng gushed as his eyes took in the sight of an array of colourful flowers. Yuta had brought him to a park, saying that this was the next part of their date. The basket in the older's hand denoted enough of what it was.

People were ambling around enjoying the nature, many couples could be seen standing next to ice-cream carts, kids ran around giggling whenever a slight breeze would ruffle their hair. It was a pleasant sight for the younger, as he smiled to himself.

Yuta gently took his boyfriend's hand and pulled him towards a spot under a tree, "Come on, Petal. Time for our picnic!"

"So we're having a picnic, huh?" The other male raised an eyebrow, a laugh threatening to bubble up.

"Yep," The older answered, "Now come on and sit beside me."

Just as Sicheng was about to sit down on the mat Yuta had spread out, he was pulled onto the older's lap. He let out a little shout as his lover laughed at him, his arms wound loosely around his waist.

"Yuta!" He exclaimed, a blush spreading on his face, "W-what are you doing?"

The professor just tilted his head innocently, a smirk on his face. "What? I'm just hugging my dear boyfriend," He tightened his arms around the student, who was a blushing mess. Yuta pulled Sicheng towards himself, their chests touching, and he kissed him. 

The older was as gentle as a feather, one hand around the younger's waist and another resting on the small of his back, pulling him closer. He never seemed to get enough of the younger anyway.

"Holy shit, we just made out in public," Sicheng breathed out when the couple pulled away for air. His face was a burning red, and his lips were swollen and shining from spit, a result of the abuse the older had done to them. 

Fuck, Sicheng's so cute. Yuta thought, staring at the amazed face of his lover. "I love you."

The younger giggled, "I swear, Yuta, you confess during the most random moments. But I love you too. Now let's eat, I'm starving!"

"You're so adorable, Petal~"


"And last but not the least, our spot!" Yuta said, gesturing his arms around the river and the bench.

"I love it when you refer to it as 'our spot'," Sicheng said, sitting on the grass instead of the bench.

The older took a seat beside him, wrapping an arm around his lover's shoulder and pulling him closer. "How couldn't I not, Petal? This is the place where we miraculously met one night, the place where you first broke down in front of me and I made a promise to stay with you, the place where we confessed to each other and also the place where we're having our first official date. It is our spot, Petal. This is the spot where we finally realised we loved each other. It's a magical place, Petal. A magical place."

The couple sat in silence, in each other's arms as darkness wrapped around them like a blanket. The distant chirping of crickets and the roar of cars could be heard. It was a comfortable silence, in which one wouldn't feel the need to fill it with words.

Sicheng's eyes watched the moonlight as it crinkled on the small waves of the river. A light breeze blew, making the leaves of the trees and bushes rustle.

"I never thought of it that way..." He started, his voice quiet in the dark of the night, "You have a way, Yuta. A way of noticing and observing things in a way I never saw them, and it never fails to amaze me. There's something very poetic about you, Yuta."

"What can I say? You bring out the poet in me," Yuta shrugged playfully.

"Hey! I was being serious!" The younger pouted, lightly slapping his boyfriend's chest.

The older laughed, the sound echoing in the silent night, "Even I was, Petal. No but seriously, thank you. No one's ever said that to me before."

"How could someone not?" Sicheng dramatically gasped, "You're too good to be true."

"Well, I guess, you're the first one, Petal."

"Well then I'm glad to be the first one, Yuyu."


Something was not right. Sicheng could feel it in his guts. Sitting at the cafeteria table, he blamed it off as not eating breakfast. But the way his gut twisted didn't convince him either.

His mind reached out to all the things that could go wrong, but he came up with none. Well except Yuta's and his relationship. What could go wrong now? Ji-hoon and Ji-ah, both were out of the scene. Nothing could go wrong, right?

A small tap on his shoulder made Sicheng look behind. It was a senior, Kim Doyoung.

"Hey, uh, Dong Sicheng?" The senior asked, his tone coming out unsure.

"Yeah, that's me."

"Right. Principal Lee's calling you to his office," Doyoung said.

"What? Why?" The younger asked, his voice shaky, his heart beating at a tremendous pace.

"Dunno," The senior shrugged, "You better go now, you know his temper."

"Yeah," The younger nodded, "Yeah."

What does Principal Lee want from me?

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