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The moment Sicheng and Yuta went to the living room after their study session, they were met with the sight of Johnny and Ten making out on the couch

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The moment Sicheng and Yuta went to the living room after their study session, they were met with the sight of Johnny and Ten making out on the couch.

"Ten? What are you doing here? And is that Johnny?", Sicheng threw questions at them. Turning to Yuta, he asked, "Wait, is Johnny your roommate?"

The older nodded.

Seeing the student and professor, the couple quickly separated. "Sicheng! What are you doing here?", Johnny asked. "Oh, oh! Are you the student that Yuta said he was tutoring?"

"Yep.", the Chinese nodded.

"Wait, wait. How do you both know each other?", Yuta asked, a sudden rush of jealousy surging through his veins.

"He's our instructor at the dance studio.", Ten answered for them.

"Ah, that explains it. Well, may I know why you guys were making out on my couch? Are you guys a couple?", Yuta crossed his arms.



Johnny and Ten looked at each other, before trying again.



Sighing, Ten said, "Yes, we are a couple. I hope you're not angry, Professor Nakamoto, considering he's our instructor and all."

"It's okay, Ten. He's not your instructor at school, and I don't think there's any rule that tells you not to date your instructor. Honestly, you guys look pretty cute together.", Yuta smiled.

"We do, don't we baby?", Johnny smirked, while Ten slapped his bicep and whispered, "Stop it! I'm in front of my teacher!"

"T-thank you, Professor Nakamoto.", the Thai replied, fiddling with his fingers, something he always did when he was excited.

"Call me Yuta.", the older ruffled the younger's hair.

Sicheng, who was quiet for the whole time, suddenly spoke up, "Hey! I'm the only one who has the privilege to call you by your first name!"

"You will, when you get an A+ on the upcoming test.", Yuta laughed.

Sicheng just stared at him, eyes glimmering and a goofy smile on his face.


"I saw the way you were looking at Yuta with heart eyes.", Ten teased the younger on their way back home.

Sicheng clicked his tongue, "Go to hell, Chittaphon."

"And leave you here? Nope, I don't think so."

"I have a very bad headache right now, Ten. I'm going to fucking punch you if you utter another word."

"Aww, why? Are you perhaps jealous?", Ten pretended to think by putting his chin on his fingers. "Because Yuta also gave me the privilege to call him by his first name?"

"That's it, Ten! You're dead!", Sicheng ran after the older.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't tease you again!", Ten squeaked, running for his life.

Sicheng stopped, "Fine. Just because you're my best friend and I don't know what I'll do with you."

"Aww, Sichengie loves me~"

A deadly glare was what stopped the shorter from teasing the taller any longer.


"Is this your comfort spot?", Sicheng asked as he came to sit beside Yuta.

"You're here again?", Yuta questioned back.

"Why? Am I not welcome?", the younger fake gasped.

"What? No no no. You're always welcome. It's the second time I'm seeing you here."

"Ah, I see.", the Chinese nodded.

Upon turning to look at Sicheng, Yuta noticed dried tear streaks on his cheeks. "Sicheng, what happened?"

"Huh? Nothing happened.", Sicheng rapidly shook his head.

"It's not nothing. I can clearly see dried tears on your face! Sicheng, tell me what's wrong! Did your ex hurt you?", Yuta held Sicheng by his shoulders.

The younger looked away. "This afternoon..", he started, his voice cracking. "This afternoon, when I was returning from the grocery store, Ji-hoon cornered me and..", Sicheng suddenly started crying. "He threatened me saying that he would always look for me a-and if I had a b-boyfriend or a love interest, he would make our lives a l-living hell."

The younger was full on crying now. Suddenly, he felt being pulled into Yuta's arms. He was surprised, but he felt safe.

"You don't have to worry about him, Sicheng.", the older whispered gently into his ear. "I'll look after you, I promise. I'll always look after you. I'll always be by your side."

"Y-You will? You promise?", Sicheng looked up at Yuta with teary eyes. He needed to be assured. Even if Yuta didn't keep his promise, he just needed to be assured.

"I promise.", Yuta whispered, before kissing Sicheng's forehead softly and tightening his hold on the younger.

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