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"Fucking Jung Ji-ah

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"Fucking Jung Ji-ah. Fuck her. Fuck Ji-hoon. Fuck their whole family. Fuck their whole existence in this fucking world," Sicheng muttered, his eyes focused on the ceiling and his body lying on the couch. Demotivated and agitation was what he was feeling right now. It was the last week of his suspension and he was not ready to go back to college.

What would he tell his friends? "Hey, uh, you know Professor Nakamoto? So he started tutoring me and then we fell in love and then his bitch of a fiancé sent pictures of us to Principal Lee, and so he got fired and I got expelled. Yeah." No! Absolutely not.

"Ugh...this sucks," He groaned, draping an arm over his face, "My whole life sucks right now."

"With me here too?" Yuta asked, standing beside the couch, looking down at his boyfriend with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up..."

"Aw, come on. Petal!" The older exclaimed, smiling brightly and dragging his lover up by his arms and making him stand beside him, "I have good news~"

That made the younger look at him with curiosity, nodding his head and urging the older to go on.

"I landed a job as a cashier in Taeil hyung's cafe! Turns out I'm good with numbers too," The Japanese chuckled.

"Woah..." The younger looked at him, mouth wide open, and then suddenly he squealed, jumping on Yuta, "I'm so happy for you!"

"I knew this would lift your mood up," Yuta said, pecking Sicheng gently on the lips.

"You always lift my mood up, Yuta." The younger smiled, "Why didn't you just join you father's company?"

"Well, Petal, I know there's going to be a time where I have to join his company. But for the time being, I just want to work hard and earn money on my own. It feels good, you know?"

The younger hummed, deep in thought. "Do you...do you perhaps have any evidence of Ji-ah blackmailing you, Yuta?" He suddenly asked out of the blue.

The older took a seat on the couch, pulling the younger along with him. "Why? Do you have anything in mind?"

"No I was thinking..." Sicheng started, and then frowned, "It's silly, just...just leave it."

"No, no, just tell me, Petal. I'll listen to you."

"I was thinking that if we could gather some kind of evidence against Ji-ah and Ji-hoon...you know, the blackmailing and bullying...and if we presented that to the police, then maybe they could do something? Because I'm sure as hell that Ji-ah was the one who sent those photos to Principal Lee." The younger finished, his brows furrowed.

Yuta licked his lips, his mind trying to sift through that day to see if he'd been able to gather some evidence. His mind went to his laptop. "Just a sec," He said as he got up and walked towards the couple's shared bedroom.

He came back with his laptop in hand, "I don't exactly remember...but sometime before you went out, I was sifting through some voice recordings..." He opened the voice recording app, scrolling through the saved ones, "And I have a hunch that I might have accidentally started one...my voice recording app automatically stops recording after five minutes, so I hope that if we have something--anything--it should be enough to be provided as evidence."

"My dad's got some connections here and there," Yuta continued, his eyes trained on his laptop screen, "I could ask him to check the CCTV footage of the night Ji-hoon assaulted you. I know there are no cameras inside the alley, but there's one just outside it...maybe we could gather some evidence from there. Like you going in, next Ji-hoon, and then the ambulance--you went in an ambulance, right?"

The younger nodded, intently listening to Yuta.

"Right. So I guess that'll be enough of evidence against them. Look I found it, I hope it's this one though," The older said, opening a file.

The familiar chirpy voice of Ji-ah floated out of the laptop speakers, along with the quiet voice Yuta. "Wow, that bit...she exposed you dad too," Sicheng said, chocolate brown orbs fixated on his lover, "What are we gonna do about that?"

"I don't know," Yuta shrugged, "My dad does deserve some kind of punishment after this. Won't really hurt him if he was sentenced to an year of community service."

"And the college part? You know it's illegal to have a relationship like ours, right?"

"Well...you're above 18, firstly, second is that I'm already fired, so that concluded our case."

The younger nodded, "We're headed to your parents' house first thing in the morning tomorrow, right?"

"Yep. Now come here, I need cuddles," Yuta peppered the younger's face with kisses causing him to giggle out loudly.


"They fired you?!" Yuta's father roared after hearing everything from the couple. "How dare they? Do they even know whose son you are?"

"Dad, dad," Yuta raised his hands trying to calm him down, "There's no use fretting over this. What's done is done. We can't fix this now, can we? And I actually deserved it after everything."

His father ran a frustrated hand through his hair, "You're right...but still...anyways, what was the favour you asked me for?"

This time Sicheng spoke up, "We've given you all the evidence against Ji-ah, right? We need you to go to the police station, present all that evidence and check the CCTV footage of the night I was assaulted."

The oldest nodded, "Got it. But...there's my name in the recording too, right?"

Yuta let out a quiet confirmation, the atmosphere of the room suddenly deflating.

"It's okay, I'll tell them everything. I deserve it after everything I made you both go through, I'm still very sorry, I hope you both know that,"  Yuta's father sadly smiled at them.

"It's alright, now it's up to you whether you want to tell everything to the police," The youngest put forth.

The older man nodded, "I will, I will, don't worry. I deserve it. I'll go now, I have time...I'll go now, with your mother. Yuta, son, stay here for the night with your boyfriend....Jaemin will be happy to see you."

And with that, he exited the house, his smile dissolving into a sorrowful expression.


A/N: Not gonna lie, but I kinda liked Yuta's dad after the whole 'accepting Sicheng' part, but he kinda had it coming.

Also, idk maybe three or four more chapters left?

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