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"Oof, that's the last one," Sicheng said, setting his last box down

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"Oof, that's the last one," Sicheng said, setting his last box down. It had taken the couple two weeks to bring everything belonging to the younger to Yuta's apartment. The older himself was surprised after seeing the ton of things his lover owned , but nevertheless, he helped Sicheng in bringing everything to his apartment. 

The Chinese flopped down on the couch, rubbing his back, "Man, that was a lot," he said, taking his socks off and settling comfortably on the couch, "I'm hungry, can we order take-out, Yuyu? " he asked the older, who was arranging the boxes neatly in one corner.

Yuta nodded, "Yeah sure, want do you want to eat?" 

"I don't know, uhm, Chinese?" The student said. "Works for me," The professor took a seat beside his boyfriend, draping an arm over his shoulders and nuzzling into his neck, "What are your plans tomorrow? Any outings with your squad?"

"Nope," Sicheng said, his head resting on Yuta's, "Why do you ask?" 

"Let me take you out on a date," The Japanese said, lifting his head to look at his lover, "I know I've not been a good boyfriend, let me make it up to you." The student shushed the older as he placed a finger on Yuta's lips, "Don't say such things, Yuta. You've been nothing but kind and loving to me, you're the best boyfriend ever. Trust me," he said, flashing a reassuring smile.

"But let me take you out on a date, Petal. Just the two of us," The older sat up, taking both of Sicheng's hands upto his lips and placing a kiss on each one, "I love you so much, Petal. So much."

"I love you too, Yuta. More than you can imagine."


"So," Sicheng started, "Any idea as to why Hendery called us to gather at Xiao's house this evening?" 

"I might have an inkling," Ten stated, nodding his head while munching on his chips. The two best friends has gathered at Ten's house for a quick meet-up. Sicheng had made the excuse of 'helping Johnny move in' but in reality, he was scared shitless for his date with Yuta the next day.


Because it was the couple's first official date after they had started dating, so it was pretty normal for the younger to be nervous. Anyways, moving onto the present topic.

"What? What do you know that I don't?" the Chinese eagerly asked, "What's with everyone not telling me anything?" he pouted. The Thai shook his head, "Nuh-uh, you ain't getting a word out of this hoe," he pretended to lock his lips and throw the key away.

"So you finally admitted you were a hoe," the younger said, a small smirk on his lips.

"Bitch, I was a hoe since the day I was born," Ten sassed, "Anygays, we better get going to Dejunnie's house, don't wanna be late~" he said as he threw the empty packet away and rubbed his salty hands on his jeans.

Sicheng scrunched his nose in disgust as he saw the older's actions, "Ew, Ten!" he exclaimed, "At least wash your hands!"

"Oh shut it, Sichengie!" Ten skipped away, his laugh ringing throughout the house.


Awkward silence was thick in the air. Everyone was staring at the trio, Xiaojun, Yangyang and Hendery, who were sitting on the couch. Kun was the first one to break the ice, "So you're telling me that you three" -- he pointed at the trio, who were holding hands -- "Are in a relationship?"

Yangyang nodded vigorously, "Yeah, that's what we've been trying to tell you guys!"

"How did you know you were polyamorous though?" Yukhei asked, "As far as I noticed, Hendery was not at all interested in you two," he showed two fingers and pointed them at Yangyang and Xiaojun.

"Not interested, my ass," Ten rolled his eyes, "Hendery's been fantasizing about them from the time he met them."

Hendery directed a look at the Thai, "It was also that, but I just thought it was just a simple sexual attraction before I actually realised that I was in love with them. And before it was too late, I confessed and it turned out that they felt the same too. The end."

"Nope, such a short story won't do," Sicheng shook his head, a wry smile creeping onto his face, "We need details, every single one of them."

"Fine then," Xiaojun huffed, "Buckle up people, because this is gonna be a long ass ride."


A/N: Yuwin date in the next chapter!

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