Season 1 Episode 10 - Gone Guardian

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I went to the bathroom that same day, and when I returned, the TV was awfully quiet. When I got to the living room, Eric wasn't there. I noticed a leaf lying on the floor near to the couch, just as another blew in by the door and ran out of the door only to find him and Pudor in the front yard.
"Eric, no!" I yelled. I was just too late as he was taking Ethan away as he flew up in the sky. In minute the two of them were gone. Dazed, I fell to my knees. I couldn't transform because there were too many eyes on me as it was. Just as tears began to well up in my eyes. I quickly dried my eyes, and dashed into the house as to avoid further attention being drawn to me. Out of a fit of panic, I picked up my phone and left a message in the groupchat saying, "Guys, we've got to meet up, ASAP!"
The next day after school, the group and I met up to talk things over.
"He did what?!" Alya was pissed, "Dylan, how about you just not get butterfingers when you get close to a guy?"
"Okay, now that's not fair." Isaac frowned at her.
"Okay, sorry." Alya said, "Anyways, just tell us what happened." I told them eveything I could remember from what had happened earlier that day.
"Are you sure his pendant was gone?" Martha looked at me.
"It seems like he had it with him the whole time." I shrugged.
"Guys, look here for a sec." Isaac turned the volume on the TV louder.
The presenter was in awe, "This just in, a video of a flying green orb is going viral. Local residents say that they were the first to see it before it disappeared somewhere in the area."
"How convenient." I sighed.
Alya plopped down next to me on the couch, "Looks like Agnes has some explaining to do."


You might not know me at the moment, so allow me to introduce myself. I'm Alec, an old friend of Dylan. Anyways, introductions aside I ended up getting the Broach of Nature. Here's how it happened:
One sunny Monday afternoon, when I was at hockey practice, I went to retrieve a rogue ball from the bushes. I bent down through the dense bushes and made for the ball when something hit me in the back of the head. I looked around to see that no one was standing behind me. Then, when I looked back at the ball, something next to it was glowing brightly with a green light. I reached out and grabbed the ball and cleared out the shrubbery to see the object in full detail. It had a strange symbol on it. Curiously, I reached out and carefully placed it in my pocket. After that little spectacle, I went on with practice and the rest of my day as I usually would. When I got home, after having done my homework, I took the trinket out of my pocket. I looked at it and analyzed it. All of a sudden, it was glowing and I felt a rush of power flowing through me. I got vivid visions from someone else's point of view. They were of Dylan, 3 other kids, a tree, a countertop, a flowerbed and a school courtyard. I knew that I needed to find them. I knew that something was up.

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