Season 1 Episode 24 - Trip to the MedBay

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I could feel my energy slipping from my body. I strained against Cogat's grip. Sudeenly I stopped and accepted my fate. I was going to be absorbed.
"Martha!" I heard Alya call to me. I loosely tilted my shoulders towards her.
"Don't you dare give up on me, Martha!" she yelled.
"Cogat hasn't got anything on you!" Dylan called to me as well.
This was the fire I needed. I beemed my eyes towards Cogat once again and smirked. "They're right, you haven't got anything on me."
"No! I am better than you! You know that!" Cogat was slowly starting to lose it. My new-found confidence was starting to get to her.
"You want to know what makes us different? I have family, I have friends, but what have you got? So-called acquaintances bound by a common purpose who do nothing but hurt people for fun. That's not family, that's not friendship, that's imprisonment." I said. As the words left my mouth, Cogat's grip around my neck began to loosen. I took hold of her wrist as I felt my strength begin to return to me as I began pulling it in from her. I levitated to a point above her holding her wrist and smirked. "Let me show you what true strength is." The energy began to swirl around us, and it turned from a dark purple to a bright blue. I felt my energy become stronger and stronger to the point that I could feel all the spirits of the people she'd absorbed reside within me.
"No!" Cogat strained. "You can't do this to me!" I'd absorbed the last of her essence and sent her back to wherever she came from. This feeling was strange. It felt like I'd just gotten to the top of Mount Everest, and felt a draft of fresh air wash over me, but I felt weak, making me faint and fall down, but luckily, I could feel a draft of air break my fall, and carry me to safety on the docks.


We headed all the way back to the base that day as fast as we possibly could. When we arrived the first thing we thought was 'Ask Agnes.'
"Greetings, Guardians. A bit early to be back from the beach on a Saturday isn't it?" Agnes chirped.
Ivan held Martha in his arms every step of the way. Cheesy, if you ask me. "Where should we put her?"
"Follow the illuminated path into the MedBay." Just as the computer said this, the path was illuminated. We followed it into the MedBay and put Martha on the available bed.
"Agnes, she absorbed Cogat, but she's been out cold from there." Ivan looked up. For as long as I've known this guy, I've never seen him like this.
"It's simple." The computer chimed. "Her consciousness is being overwhelmed by those of the people who were absorbed by Cogat. If she isn't taken to a nearby Squire, she'll be like this - in deep sleep - forever."

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