Season 2 Episode 1 - Playing Catch-Up

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I was starting to grow sick and tired of watching someone else getting all the attention for doing the bare minimum. "How come these amateurs get all the glory while the rest of us are over here suffering in silence!" I was absolutely livid after having seen another stupid-ass news report about those stupid kids back on Earth.
"Ezekiel, did you look at the Earth-headlines again?" My brother, Raphael, asked.
"I have to keep in touch with Earth somehow." I barked back at him from the cockpit of our ship.
"Okay, and this is tantrum number... Oh, I remember, I don't care enough to keep tally." My sister, Gabriella, sarcastically retorted from behind me.
"Guys, please. I need silence here." Raphael was levitating, with his legs crossed, in a meditative position. Gabriella just rolled her eyes and went back to playing her Earth-videogames again.
"You would actually know what it feels like to be left out of the hero business on Earth if you actually looked up from that primitive device of yours." I said.
"It is not primitive, it's a MakTop!" she yelled, "If anything, it's one of the only things keeping me sane while I'm trapped in here with you insufferable lot." Gabriella rolled her eyes, put her earphones back in, and went back to playing her videogames.
If you don't know me yet, I'm Zeke. My full name is Ezekiel. No last name given. I'm stuck here on this stupid ship with my siblings; my brother Raphael and my sister Gabriella. We didn't really know our parents, our memories of the Earth are faded, yet here we are, zooming across space. Somehow, for some reason, my siblings and I - we're triplets - were born with our Guardian powers. Even though we are centuries old, it seems that our powers have kept us looking. What we do know is that our parents sent us from the Earth long ago to lead our Anti-Elementals astray. My Anti-Elemental, Furia, is powered by my rage, the angrier I get, the stronger he gets. Raphael's Anti-Elemental, Onere, is the embodiment of his hero complex. Gabriella's Anti-Elemental, Colpa, is powered by her survivor's guilt. The more she blames herself for the fall of Rome, the more powerful Colpa becomes. The only thing keeping us bonded together is our blood and our common goal: staying on the run.


It was the 11th of January 2021, and I was starting 10th Grade the next day. Ivan, Margot, Martha, Alya, Alec, Eric, Oliver and myself were relaxing on the old Anti-Elementals' island. This was one of the only ways we knew to get away from the cameras and paparazzi following us around. Ever since we revealed ourselves to the world last year, when we fought Erebus, our lives have never been the same. Eric was coming to our school, Valley College, for 9th Grade, and Alec for 10th Grade. Oliver and I had been official for 10 months, and Alya even coupled up with one of my classmates, Trevor. He's weird, but she likes him, so who am I to question it, right?
"I'm so glad we could get away from the press." Ivan sighed.
"Yeah," Alya agreed, "Those vultures can take a hike."
"It's crazy to think that around this time last year, we were just normal kids." I took a deep breath.
"It's crazy," Martha started, "Now I have to make sure the coast is clear before I stretch my fins."
I sat up. "That gives me an idea."
"Oh really?" Ivan sat up too.
"How about we race back to the Harbour?" I looked at the other Guardians.
"Why not?" Martha rolled over.
"Sure." Oliver put his hand on my shoulder. "We'll follow you in the speedboat."
I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "See you in a bit." I started sprinting down the shoreline. "Last one to the Harbour is a rotten egg!"
"Oh, it's on!" Alec was hot on my tail. The other Guardians and I practically ran into the water. Within seconds we were all transformed, and we were zooming through the water. Little moments like these, were what I lived for, pretending like we're ordinary kids, just having some good old fun, even if it's momentary, before we're forced to return to real life.

《PinkPantheress - Angel》

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