Season 2 Episode 40 - Deja Vu

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"Khan?" My brother was different from what I remembered of him. He was taller, bulkier, he was transformed.
"Didn't you miss me?" Khan teased.
"What happened to you?" I stepped closer towards him.
"I have seen the truth for myself," He began, "I've finally come to the conclusion that you all are a bunch of self-serving heretics. To think that my own sister would be one of you is shameful."
"You're not the sweet, kind, compassionate kid I used to know." Tears began to fill my eyes.
"Since the Anti-Elementals couldn't do what they were supposed to do, I'm taking it upon myself to exterminate you all like the vermin you are."
"I no longer go by that name. My name is Cattivo. I am the true embodiment of evil and destruction. In time, I will hunt you down, throughout the far reaches of the world. And I will end you." He threatened.
"How about you face us now and get this over with?" Ivan taunted.
"None of you are worth my time." Cattivo chuckled.
"Perhaps this will change your mind?" Alec blasted a powerful stream of Elemental Energy towards Cattivo.
"Pathetic!" Cattivo cackled as he blocked the energy using a forcefield.
"Don't forget about the rest of us!" Margot followed Alec's example, then did the rest of my friends.
"Alya, what are you waiting for?" Ivan turned to look at me.
I was frozen. "I can't fight my brother! I won't!"
"Alya, I'm sorry to break it to you but Khan is gone!" Eric yelled back to me.
When I looked at Cattivo, all I saw was my little brother. I shook my head and blasted some energy too. I felt horrible for what I was doing.
Cattivo's maniacal laughter grew louder. "Hilarious!" He let out a grand pulse of energy that blew us all away from him. He turned and looked right at me, "How about you come back next time when you're actually a worthy match for me?" Cattivo jumped up into the air and flew away at the speed of light.
Exasperated, I dropped down to my knees and leaned over onto my palms. All the emotions that I had been keeping in just flowed out in the form of powerful wails and cries. I couldn't believe what I'd seen; my own brother was evil.
Ivan ran over and tried to comfort me, as did the rest of my friends. We were all tired and miserable from what was supposed to be a normal group study session on a Saturday gone wrong. With the little energy we had left, we performed the Restoration Ritual and headed home. Even though our family members and all the other Absorbed victims were returned home, it was a bittersweet victory. It was horrible having to explain what had happened to Khan to my family members. Most of them blamed me, and I don't blame them. I was the reason that Khan was able to be captured in the first place, and transformed into Cattivo. The rest of the world didn't know about Cattivo, which was for the better as to not rouse any more panic than there had been this year.
I was sitting on my rooftop after breaking the news to my family members when Ivan and Dylan dropped down next to me in the moonlight.
"Thought I'd find you here." He said.
"Hey." I meekly responded.
"What's wrong?" Dylan asked.
"They're really mad at me about Khan." I grumbled.
"I know I sound like a broken record, but we're going to defeat Cattivo and bring Khan back home." Dylan placed their arm around me to comfort me.
Ivan also put his arm around me. "We'll be here with you for every step of the way. You don't have to do this alone."
I could feel the warmth of hope wash over me. "Thanks guys." I whispered.

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