Season 2 Episode 5 - Ancient History

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The rest of us had just made it into the base.
"Welcome, Guardians." Agnes chimed. "I see you've made some new friends."
"Agnes, sure, we have questions, but I have to make sure Martha gets back in one piece." I looked down at the hatch leading down to the tunnels. They'd been flooded by now, but I just couldn't leave Martha in there because of a choice I made. I looked back at Alya. "Stay here with the others. I'll be back soon." I knew that I couldn't leave her behind because of a choice that I had made. I dove into the hatch and transformed into my underwater form. I glided through the water on the way to find Martha. I lit up my fins to help me see better, but it wasn't helping much. Out of the blue, I felt something brush up against my tail. I must've found her. But when I got a closer look, it was another stranger. The stranger was dressed in a black leather jumpsuit, but their face was something I'd never seen before, disfigured. The stranger's eyes opened and grappled onto my tail. I struggled, twisted and turned. Eventually, I managed to swat them away with my tail fin. I swam away as fast as possible to find my friend. I came upon a shallow chasm, I'd found her. I pulled her up and flapped my fins for the both of us. I felt her starting to move in my arms. She opened her eyes and realised what was happening. She started swimming furiously as well. Within moments we were back in the base. We both climbed out of the hatch and transformed back. Ivan leaned over to Alya and whispered in her ear. She nodded and stepped away to charge a ball of windy energy in her hands. She shoved it down into the hatch. "Gale Force." A loud crackling sound could be heard as the water in the chasm was starting to freeze over. We all heaved a sigh of relief. The other Guardians and I powered down and took a deep breath.
"Phew, at least that's over." Ivan sighed.
"Agreed." the new girl nodded.
"Guardians," Agnes chimed once more, "Please be sure to make your way to the counter, we have much to discuss."
That's what we did. We sat down in our respective places. I noticed that our new friends were now seated in the places of the other Elementals, places we knew had been reserved for them. Hence, confirming to us that their claims were true. They were the Lost Guardians. "Guardians, I am sure that you have many questions, and I am here to answer them. Guardians. I would like you to meet the Guardians of Light, Magic and Shadows. Raphael is the representative of Light, Gabriella is the representative of Magic, and Ezekiel is the representative of Shadows. It wouldn't exacly be fair for me to tell their story on their behalf. It's better to hear it from the source, isn't it?"
"How about you let us do the talking then?" One of the boys leaned forward. "Get comfortable, because we have a lot to tell you."

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