Chapter Three | Fretful Four

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Chapter Three | Fretful Four

"What a great idea it was for us to watch a movie that the two of you aren't even watching. The amount of genius is just amazing." I quip sarcastically as I bring both of my hands together to give the two women on the far end of the light grey C-shaped couch a thunderous round of applause.

Kaylee and Archer — Kaylee's mate and the very woman whom my twin sister used to dislike greatly but miraculously came to love due to the pull of the mate bond — glance over at me with irritation written all over their faces. Kaylee simply rolls her eyes at me and cuddles deeper into Archer's embrace while Archer gives me a smirk and blesses me with the presence of her middle finger.

They resume their cuddle, flirt, and kissing sesh which was disturbing to watch to say the least. It would've been equally weird to witness my sister snog another person right in front of me as it would be to see her kiss her pillow; I have had the misfortune of seeing both things and I would surely need to seek a therapist soon because of the traumatic experience.

I just didn't understand the fucking point of bringing me down here to watch 'the greatest movie of all time' if they were planning to force me to do so with gross sounds of love in the background. I could've been spending my time watching reruns of Judge Judy or reading heinous murder cases. That would've been a thousand times much more interesting than what I was currently doing and I actually enjoyed doing that.

Instead, I was here in this relatively dark room with two horny females who were whispering the grossest things to each other. If it was possible to bleach my mind, I would gladly do so. I would pay to actually.

Without being able to help it, my eyes began to wander around and I was able to fully take in this new movie/screening room that was larger than life itself — at least, larger than my life. There was dark brown wood flooring that enveloped the circumference of the room itself, and a large light grey C-shaped couch that I currently sat on and felt like falling sleeping on because it was that comfy.

Within the center of the C-shaped couch is a fire pit that was currently in use as wood is being burnt which created a good sized fire and allowed for their to be considerable warmth that engulfed my entire being. On top of the fire pit was an industrial looking air vent that helped regulate the gas that was in constant production and matched the overall aesthetic of the room.

Scattered around the couch are light and dark grey throw pillows that match the common theme of the room with the walls being a neutral grey and their being an accented rich brown wall that matched the deep brown color on the floor.

To my immediate right side, you can see a spiral staircase with the illusion of floating stairs due to its intricate design and silver railings that had expensive glass lining the entirety of the staircase. The stairs were the exact same brown as the floors as well as the accent wall, well actually, it was a bit darker but it still looked the same to me.

The biggest thing inside this room, and most grand part as well as what was probably the most expensive thing is this massive television in front of me. It took up the entire wall and it was clear as day that there was a built in speaker as you could hear the vibrations of the actors speaking to one another throughout the room.

The lights were built into the ceiling and scattered everywhere, although they were currently dim right now and providing a scarce amount of lighting inside the room. It wasn't dark enough to conceal the fact that Archer was pressing her lips against Kaylee's neck and my sister — I gagged — was fully enjoying it, but it was dark enough to get the full movie experience.

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