Chapter Twenty-Seven | Movie Night Catastrophe

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Chapter Twenty-Seven | Movie Night Catastrophe
Jaylin Wilson

Immediately pushing myself off of the counter, I quickly walk back to the movie area to see that the lights are now on with the movie paused and an angry Xander is glaring with his teeth bared at an annoyed Jeremy.

"It's funny because if he was really yours, he would've sat beside you but he chose to sit by me." Jeremy taunted the Alpha wolf.

"Fucking say one more thing and I promise that your guts will be spread across these damn walls." Xander seethed, dark eyes trained on Jeremy as he looked just about ready to pounce and attack.

As beautiful as blood painted across the walls and organs hung along the walls as paintings would be, I'd like if my friend didn't die at the hands of my mate right now.

"That's big talk, I'd like to see you try." Jeremy glared. "Must suck that he didn't think about you once while he was in Cali with me, doesn't it?"

My head snaps to look at Jeremy. Why the hell was he saying that?

Firstly, this isn't the Jeremy I know. This is a different version that is angry, not thinking properly and just spluttering whatever the hell he wants out of his mouth, and is ready to engage in a fight. Jeremy isn't the type to start fights with anyone. Even when he gets upset, he's calm and allows the other party to get angry. Never have I ever seen him actively and willingly ready to get into a fight. And over what? What the hell were they even fighting about right now?

Secondly, he couldn't have been more fucking wrong. Admittedly it now felt trivial but I thought about Xander non fucking stop the entire time that I was in Cali. I even consistently tried to find him in my friends in Cali. Finally admitting that to myself made me feel breathless while also making me feel much lighter. I'd just never tell Xander that.

Seeing red, Xander leaped to attack Jeremy but he didn't get to rip Jeremy into shreds as Gnashton, Xavier, and Aiden prevented him from doing so. Gnashton stands the best chance at keeping Xander from mauling Jeremy as he fervently tries to keep his friend from doing something that he may — probably may not given how livid he is right now — regret doing.

Ironic how the same person who hates Jeremy is protecting the oblivious human from dying at the hands of an angry alpha wolf. Rushing over to Xander, I try to ignore the sad look that overtakes Jeremy's face as he really believed that I was rushing over to him, only to be crushed as I brush past him and run to Xander.

Aiden and Xavier look at Gnashton incredulously as he takes a step back and pushes the two back as well. Gnashton made enough space which allowed me to step in front of a ragging Xander who's glaring black eyes never leave Jeremy. Without thinking or even hesitating, I reach up and cup his face with my hands and force him to look down at me.

"I want to fucking kill him." He growls.

"I know." I said, nodding my head. "But you can't. If you do, I'll be upset."

His eyes soften almost immediately as he looks down at me with a tenderness that makes my insides melt into a puddle of mush. Without saying anything more, I grab Xander's hand and drag him with me up the stairs quickly. To my satisfaction, he doesn't protest and follows along quietly. Simply touching him has calmed him down considerably, thankfully. I shut the door behind us and walk us further into the lounge area.

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