Chapter Sixteen | F*ck This Shit, I'm Out

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Chapter Sixteen | F*ck This Shit, I'm Out

                   I wanted to snap around and tell him to quit looking at me but that would be feeding into him, he'd be satisfied that I was that bothered by him looking at me. Doing that would be the equivalent of me waving a nonexistent white flag and declaring, 'you looking at me makes me nervous as hell and anxious so stop. Oh, but also, I'm affected by you much more than I actually let on.'

I shake my head.

Nope, I can't do that. My pride won't allow me to do that, especially knowing the shit eating grin that would appear on his face if I chose to do that. I wouldn't be able to live that down.

"Jaylin?" Eros snaps me out of my thoughts.

I look at him and I see that he's pointing at something on the screen. It was some kind of diagram with the title 'osmosis vs diffusion,' and there were pictures that visually depicted the different between the two through the use of beakers and U shaped figures with a blue liquid in both demonstrations and red and blue dots inside. There was an explanation at the bottom of the page, an explanation that I didn't understand in the slightest. Eros probably explained something relating to the picture to me, I didn't catch it though with my thoughts being in Xander land. A land I hated being on.

"D-did you hear what I said?" He peered up at me with those eyes of his and I immediately felt like a shitty person.

"I did." I lied through my teeth. "You were basically saying that..." I look closer at the screen to try and figure out how I can bullshit my way out of this without looking like a complete idiot sandwich. My eyes catch the explanation of what osmosis is and I run with it. "That osmosis is the movement of ions from high to medium sized particles and you were showing me to picture to demonstrate that."

Eros blinked, I waited silently for his response. When I got it I began to wish that he hadn't said anything to begin with. Actually, I had hoped that his voice would become a whisper as it usually did but nope. I was not that fortunate.

Eros said, "I was explaining to you that this diagram and the information about osmosis here is false and this is a clear example of what not to choose during an exam. I also said that the diagram that you make for the assignment should not look like this at all."

He didn't stutter, his voice didn't waver one bit, and he was loud — relatively — and clear as he basically told me that I was a dumbass who was clearly not paying attention to a single word that he said. Out of all times for him to be somewhat confident when speaking to me, why did it have to be when I was making a fool of myself?

As if to wedge the knife deeper, I could hear Xander trying to contain his laughter behind me but he was doing a shitty ass job at it. Eventually, he just stopped trying and in comes his deep, hearty boisterous laughter that made my face feel hot.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"I-it's okay." Ah, there's that stutter and shaky voice of his. I watch him stand up from his seat. "I'm g-going to get some snacks. You want any?"

"I don't know if you'll be able to reach any of the snacks that I want." I quipped, throwing a playful jab at his height.

His face scrunched up into what I think is supposed to be a glare but it was beyond unthreatening, it was the cutest thing I had ever seen in my life. He looked like a damn puppy. It made me want to tease him even more, however I refrained from doing so.

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