Chapter Fifteen | Eros King

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Chapter Fifteen | Eros King

                "Is this shit supposed to be this confusing and difficult or am I just a dumbass?" I sincerely ask the seemingly rhetoric question to the smaller boy who adjusts his glasses and refuses to make any eye contact with me.

Instead, he opted to keep his eyes casted down on the laptop where an assignment that was due over one week ago sat open on the illuminated screen to remind me once again that I was a stupid, incapable of doing anything science related and uncaring son of a bitch. I originally did not anticipate that the science course was going to be as difficult and time consuming as it wounded up being, especially due to the slow ass start in the beginning of the semester but as soon as mid October struck, it felt like a switch was activated.

The Professor chose to magically bombard all of us with assignments that would have us contemplating if we should just off ourselves. Maybe that was the sadistic fuckers goal all this time. To see his students suffer and jump off buildings that would end the nightmare that is her science class which — to be fucking honest — is not that important.

If we're being honest here, the only people who actually actively payed attention in that damn class and were doing exceptionally well is Easton and the five foot six dork beside me. I train my eyes on him and watch as he absentmindedly scrolls down the Google page of my sleek silver Apple laptop with those slim fingers of his resting gingerly on the rectangular mouse pad.

He wears black circular glasses that are a bit too big for his small face and take up too much space but it became his thing at this point, it'd be hard to imagine seeing him without those staple glasses of his. Behind those thick lenses are blue...or are they green? Whichever color it was, his eyes are a shade of blue and green that pop and stand out on his pale skin.

With a well structured jawline, angular face, perfect nose, faded brown freckles dusted along the bridge of his nose and creeping onto his cheeks on either side, neatly styled brown hair that was always styled in a quiff that was fluffier and longer that the usual, and surprisingly plump and feminine looking lips, Eros King is so unlike his brother but he mirrors the appearance of his father Finnick King except Eros was more... beautiful.

For a guy he could sure as hell pass for a girl if he really wanted to. Another thing that one couldn't help but notice about Eros are his mannerisms. Every movement of his was delicate and gentle, he was clearly overly cautious about everything and the way he spoke was soft and quiet like he wanted to speak but didn't actually want to be heard. Confusing as hell but that's him.

Now that I thought about it, maybe I should've asked Easton to tutor me. Not because Eros is a shit tutor. I just didn't think that he really wanted to be helping me right now or spending any time with me even if it was to merely assist me with my work. He gave me the I-am-very-uncomfortable-being-with-you-right-now vibes so just sitting next to him at his studying desk inside his place of retreat, his room, I felt like I was invading his personal space. Of course he agreed to help me when I asked but the kid is so meek that I began to fear that he simply obliged because he was too anxious and afraid of what my reaction would be to say no.

"Hey, Eros. I hope that I'm not making you feel hella uncomfortable right now. You know, you don't have to help me out." I laughed lightly as I reached for my laptop and began to slide it over to my side, getting ready to leave the boy to himself. To put him out of his miser, but those timid hands of his grab the corner of my laptop to stop me from pulling it any closer to my persons.

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