Chapter Twenty | Midnight Escapade

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Chapter Twenty | Midnight Escapade

               I let out a carefree laugh as I watch the grown man in a well kept suit berate another man who was practically balding at this point with the remainder of his hair forming a U-shaped with the weirdest patch of hair at the center of his head. It looked more so like either side of his hair like was being pushed back, that in itself was funny.

What was even funnier is while he tried to be serious and reasonable when interacting with the erratic, incompetent, and childish man, said man refused to acknowledge him in anyway and continued to openly depict his vehement dislike towards the man.

Skipping forward, I watch as the childish man sits at his desk and pulls up his office phone to call a woman that was apart of the headquarters of the small branch that he worked for. Pleading in a tone that made me almost hysterical, he urges for her to fire the balding man that he was forced to work with. The woman responded — in quite an annoyed and exasperated tone — that she could not fire the balding man unless their was probable cause in order to do so.

Foolishly and with good humor, the man responds saying that he does indeed have probable cause, that probable cause being that he does not like the balding man. I was laughing again without realizing it as I dig my hand into my large bucket of pretzels.

Reaching for the remote with my other hand, I turn up the volume on the TV as a habit. I could hear the show, sure, but I just enjoyed it being loud. Kaylee who was a few doors down from me would absolutely hate me for it tomorrow but I didn't give a shit right now. Wouldn't be the first time she was pissed at me for something like this.

When my fingers try to reach more pretzels but I end up grazing my fingers against air and crumbs, I look down at the clear plastic container. Nothing. There is no way that I was able to finish the entirety of the pretzels in here. It was a full container of UTZ pretzels that had over forty ounces worth of pretzels in here, I was not that much of a fat ass.

I tilt my head slightly, well maybe I am actually. I blame the fact that I was eating while distracted, eating when you're binge watching a show is the fastest way for snacks to go missing. Before you know it you have salty fingers, empty snack containers scattered messily across your previously sparkling apartment sized room, lips that have the flavor of the snack you just absentmindedly devoured, and a suddenly satiated stomach.

I must also mentioned that my room is totally not a current pig sty. It's just organized in a very....unorganized way. Post snack binge, you're wondering how the hell it happened and you can't blame yourself so you blame the TV that stole your attention and made your hands move continuously without your clear consent.

A vicious cycle.

I toss the empty container at the far corner of my room near the trash can that was built into my royal blue accent wall. One pull on the gold handle bar that hung a few feet from the ground would reveal it. There were a lot of features built into this room, some you would've never expected. One reason why I chose this room and allowed Kaylee to 'call' the room she has right now. She has no idea how much better this room is, I'd let her believe that she got the best deal though as a good brother.

Ignorance is bliss.

Just like the ignorance I felt right now when I told myself that I would most definitely be coming back to throw the container in the trash and I only threw the container near the trash so that it would be easier to do so, but truly I'd forget like always. Which, as result, is the main reason why there are a bunch of snack containers, and other useless items scattered around one side of my room.

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