Chapter Twenty-Six | What About Him?

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Chapter Twenty-Six | What About Him?

                  "Jaylin." Rosa whispers my name into my ear. I look down at her. "Who are the guys on the right side of us?"

I look over at Xavier and Aiden who are half focused on the movie. Xavier's head then lies on Aiden's shoulder. I watch Aiden try to shake Xavier off of him but like a persistent bug, Xavier refuses to let up so Aiden is forced to give in and allows Xavier's head to rest on his shoulder.

Clowns, I snicker to myself.

I knew why she was asking and yet I still answered her. "The Asian dork is Xavier and the other one is Aiden."

"They're so fucking cute." She gushed. Barf. "I think I wanna go for Aiden maybe."

Aiden is very much not coupled up with anyone, and Rosa would be the type of girl that he'd flirt with and probably sleep with. If I wanted to be a wingman, I'd suggest that she go for it but thinking of Eros made me shut the idea down immediately, not like I was actually considering it anyway. Aiden was still doing whatever the fuck he wanted leaving Eros to feel like shit.

I didn't know how Eros felt about it but if it's anything like how I feel simply looking at Xander's face when he's hurt by the bullshit that I do, I know that it probably kills the smaller boy inside. Aiden is a dick for that, he truly is and I wanted to have no part in fueling his sexual escapades. I can't do that to Eros.

"Aiden has aids." I lie. Werewolves can't develop sexual diseases like that but humans sure as hell can.

I didn't have to look down to know that her face has scrunched up. "You're lying."

"I wish I was. It's so horrible for him. He cries every night, can't perform in bed without stuffing jelly beans up his ass, and sometimes he starts to —" I lean closer to her and whisper quietly, " — lose his hair."

"Jaylin, shut the hell up." She gasps in horror then shakes her head sadly. "Poor dude."

I wanted to laugh so fucking bad but I held it in and nodded along in agreement.

"Then I think I'm gonna go for Xavier, he's giving major bad boy vibes and those tattoos are so sexy." She chews on her bottom lip, enthralled by the tattoos that litter his arms.

If only she knew how much of dork he really is. That's what every girl's assumption is whenever they look at Xavier. He's the sexy bad boy who is dark and mysterious but she'd be the one that would capture his heart and make him only have a soft spot for her. She'd become his everything and his forever. Is this some kind of cheesy ass Wattpad book?

Aside from the fact that this isn't some cliche book, Xavier isn't a bad boy in the least. He's a giant teddy bear with the appearance of an intimidating mob boss. If she learned that, it would've deter Rosa in the least. In fact, I feel like that would attract her even more to Xavier. What girl does love a plot twist like that? But Xavier is off limits. His heart has been taken by Easton and no one would be able to change that fact whether Easton was reciprocating his feelings or not.

"He's in love with someone else right now." I tell her.

"Oh shit." She mumbles then twiddles her thumb and asks, "but they're not dating are th—"

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