Chapter Ten | Partners

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Chapter Ten | Partners

My legs feel sore as hell but I expected it as I just ran seventy-five miles within ten minutes in my wolf form. Granted, some wolves had exceeded my ten minute record and finished the seventy-five mile run in as short as five minutes which was half my time. It frustrated me to no end that the fastest that I could go was ten minutes. I had tried about three times now but the only change is that I went from ten minutes and forty seconds in the first lap to ten minutes and ten seconds in the last lap.

A fucking thirty second difference.

Usually, I would've been better than this and done better than half the wolves here. When I used to do this with the pack every month, seventy-five miles in around five minutes or less was easy shit for me but right now I'm struggling and it pissed me off to no extent.

I huff out a breath of air as I crouch down and watch as another set of ten wolves composed of women and men with their clothes locked into their mouths get ready to shift and sprint through the woods to track their running times. Yes, they were naked so I was getting a full, delightful view of their asses.

If it wasn't already apparent, that was sarcasm.

When I was in California and attending Cambridge, the only time I saw naked people was when I attended those ratchet parties where the girls would quirkily try to assert their spontaneity by agreeing to skinny dip with the boys who could give two shits about how 'wacky' and 'crazay' the girls were and just wanted an eye full of ass. If I was being honest, the girls asses were anything but fat; not like having a fat or flat ass mattered in the slightest to me.  I was never one to care or look.

It's moments like that when girls bodies would be displayed or when they'd throw themself onto me, which happened quite frequently in California and still occurs to this day, that makes me really wonder. I wasn't even remotely interested in them or their body.

Truth be told, I just felt like they were a nuisance or that they'd be good friends. Although — cocking my head to the side to think deeply because somehow adjusting my head accomplished that — there was this one girl from Cambridge who was really attractive and even I knew that.

She wasn't the smallest girl out there but she wasn't excessively big either, she was very much just a healthy and fit looking girl. Then came her jet black hair that swam past her back and just barely grazed her butt. Her eyes were a deep brown and she had full pink lips with a few dark brown beauty marks trespassing around the area. Rosalyn is her name but she went by Rosa.

Whenever Beck, another really close friend of mine from Cambridge, Rosa and I were together it was nothing but comfortable fun. They were my kind of people and really helped me get over the home sickness that I was feeling within my first year of being gone. I never told them that I was feeling homesick and I didn't want to admit that I was but the two of them really became family to me.

Maybe it was Rosa's personality that made me find her attractive or the smile that came onto her face whenever Beck would crack a stupid ass joke, or maybe it was the fact that she was...

My heart skips a beat as I slowly stand back up, my eyes trained on the slower wolves who were just coming back now but my mind was elsewhere so my eyes were just a complete void.

That's not it. That can't be it.

''To help you complete that thought, maybe it was the fact that she was so similar to Xander.' Jackson hummed with satisfaction.

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