Chapter One | Welcome Home

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Chapter One | Welcome Home

The sweet, and slightly tangy taste of the tropical Starburst bursted in my mouth. I chewed on the treat with slight irritation as I waited for the flood of people to disperse. The candy was slowly dissolving as was my patience for the man in front of me who was chatting with his colleagues in front of me.

I just assumed that they were his colleagues due to the fact that they were all dressed in business suits and had that traditional corny ass smile on their face that screamed, "I'm sucking up to you because you'll be beneficial to keep around." They all wore that same expression and it made me scowl. Both at how blatantly fake they were being and because they were preventing me from walking any further. You'd think that people wouldn't purposely act like inconsiderate assholes.

Saving my breath, I roughly shove past them and purposely ignore their anger expressions at being pushed aside. If you didn't want me to push you like you were a sack of potatoes, don't stand in the middle of the fucking walkway like you're better than anyone in here. I kept that little snide comment to myself because if I didn't, I would be here endlessly arguing with all four of them and I didn't have the time for that.

Besides, I just got back.

I can't just arrive and automatically begin to cause trouble all over again. Although, admittedly, trouble seems to find me so I can't say that its entirely my fault. I was born with a smart mouth and an intolerance for bullshit so I blame my parents, especially my father.

Thinking about my family made me wonder where the fuck Kaylee was. She was supposed to have gotten here — I slide my phone out of my pocket and check the time that read 5:30pm — almost two hours ago. I'm not even surprised that she's late, she gets so distracted by a certain someone constantly so I should've expected this.

Wheeling my medium sized black luggage with a bunch of stickers on them, curtesy of my friends from Cambridge University up in California, I finally found a bench to sit on that was near the exit gate that lead outside where there were a bunch of cars lined up and people hugging their loved ones, meanwhile others were shoving their luggage into the trunk of their car as they argued with their loved ones.

I snicker as I watch a young woman crumble up a bouquet of white and pink flowers that the man who came around to embrace her had brought for her and smash it onto the floor. What followed directly after was an argument about how he should've gotten those flowers for his mistress and a smug look crossed her face as the man's face dropped like he didn't expect her to know of his little infidelity.

Shaking my head, I lean back against the back of the bench with my fingers intertwined as I adjusted my position and brought my intertwined hands behind my head to watch the scene comfortably. Sometimes watching the world burn was just too much fun. I couldn't have been more thankful for my werewolf hearing than during times like this.

'Are you just acting like we're not about to see him or do you genuinely just have brain damage from spending 3 years in California with the superficial rich?' My wolf, Jackson, quipped.

The shit eating grin of satisfaction was wiped off my face almost instantaneously. I didn't want to think about that but of course that's the first thing on his mind.

I sat up and sighed.

It was in the back of my mind ever since I got onto the plane to leave. Actually, that's a lie.

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