Chapter Twenty-Eight | Just a Dream

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Chapter Twenty-Eight | Just a Dream

              I didn't feel like doing this right now. The last thing that I wanted to be doing is helping wash dozens of cabbages with a salt, water, and baking soda mix. And yet here I am, crouched down on the floor of the kitchen that was on the second floor wearing ugly colorful flower printed grandma sweatpants, face mask covering my mouth with a frilly apron tied tightly around my waist.

The outfit choice was all May's idea as she made it clear that this was the only thing that was appropriate for me to wear when doing something like this. I doubt that the clothes that I was wearing did anything to produce a better outcome or make the kimchi taste any better. My clothing choice had zero correlation with the overall taste of the food, May seemed to think otherwise as she droned on and fucking on about how she used to this all the time as a child and it made it taste ten times better.

The shit was clearly just all on her head but I kept my mouth shut. If I spoke up now, she'd only continue to lecture me more and more about how she knew what made kimchi taste the best. If I tried to tell her how much bullshit it was I knew that it would only result in the small, youthful looking woman retorting back with a shitload of sass as she'd prompt me with the question of, 'are you Asian? Did you grow up in South Korea till you were four? Have you eaten kimchi all your life?'

To which, I would inevitably have to shut the fuck up and allow her to smile in satisfaction as she'd no doubt utter a 'that's what I thought.' I knew the woman all too well to know that winning against May is an impossible feat. Maybe that's why she gets under Kai's skin. She's a know it all and slightly annoying but still a lovely woman.

"Earth to Jaylin." A voice says, followed by a warm liquid flung at my face.

Looking up, I glare at Xavier who was in front of me on the other side of the large red bowl that contained all of the cabbages we had to clean. There was another large ass bowl a few feet away from us that we had to clean. May originally asked Aiden and Archer to take care of it, somehow they managed to evade having to do the tiresome task so it was put onto Xavier and I instead. Fucking cockroaches.

Retaliating, I dip my fingers into the water mix and flick some water onto Xavier's face. Scrunching up his face, he uses his forearm to wipe at his face. Serves you right.

"I did that because you weren't cleaning the cabbages anymore, just started staring off into space." Xavier grumbles. "You have to scrub harder. My mom will notice the difference between cabbage that's been scrubbed lacklusterly."

"First, lacklusterly is not a word." I roll my eyes and take a cabbage into my hand to begin scrubbing roughly at the outermost layers. "Second, that's impossible. There is no way that she'd be able to tell."

Xavier shakes his head quickly then leans forward. "She'd know, she always knows Jaylin. She's like some kind of kimchi enthusiast or something."

I open my mouth to argue with him but I decide against it and just close my mouth and scrub the cabbage a bit harder than I was before. Xavier know his mom better than anyone so I didn't doubt what he said for a single moment. Also considering the fact that the woman was adamant about my choice in clothing affecting the taste of her precious kimchi told me that what Xavier said had to be true.

Either that or his mom has fooled him into believing that she could really tell all these years. I wasn't able to really decipher which one was the truth but I was too engrossed in cleaning the leaves on the cabbages to care or really contemplate which one was more likely.

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