Chapter Eleven | Combat Training

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Chapter Eleven | Combat Training

I finally feel Xander's eyes shift to look at Xavier who is dreading being placed in this kind of situation. I'm apologetic towards him but right now, he's my scapegoat.

"Don't you want to pair up with Aiden." Xander questioned but it didn't sound like a question, it sounded like an indirect order. I clenched my teeth together. "I understand if you want to pair up with Jaylin though. It's not like you and Aiden owe me for not telling me that Jaylin was back and that we're mates or anything. I respect your decision."

The passive aggression mixed with the obvious guilt tripping was so thick and heavy, I felt like I was suffocating under it even though it was all directed towards a sheepish Xavier who was slowly backing away. I plead with my eyes for him to stay but Xavier wasn't built to go up against Xander, no one was built for that. Except Gnashton, his own father, and Elijah maybe.

With quick movements, Xavier darts away and jogs towards Aiden who was left alone and expectantly waiting for Xavier to appear based on his expression upon Xavier's arrival. Xander probably planned this shit out.

Standing in front of me with that smug ass smile of his, Xander steps closer to me. To which, I take a step backwards and hold my hand out between us to prevent him from coming any closer to me. My glare shows how irritated I am with him.

"I don't know why you keep avoiding me when we both already know what the outcome will be." Xander mused humorously.

Raising a brow, I drop my hand and take a step closer to him. We were almost chest to chest at this point. His scent drifts into my nose which makes me feel warm inside, but my blood is boiling at what he said so I didn't give a damn about how much my body tingled nor did I care about how it felt like my heart would explode if either of us stepped even an inch closer to each other.

What I did care about was wiping that stupid, triumphant, and cocky ass look off his face. Another thing that irked me is the fact that I have to crane my neck upwards to actually look this fucker in his eyes. That was a simple pleasure for Xander who's eyes shun with enjoyment and something else that I didn't want to acknowledge as he looked down at me with his eyes absorbing every crevice on my face like he wanted to ensure that every single feature on my face was engraved in his brain. My heart fluttered and I cursed inside.

"If the outcome is me rejecting you then you couldn't be more right." My tone came off more stoically than I originally intended for it to.

Xander's face fell immediately and I felt a sharp pang in my heart. It was such a strong feeling, I began to feel like I would collapse any minute now. I didn't even reject him and I was already feeling like complete shit. Looking at the pain on his face didn't help either. The way his face contorted into the look of a wounded puppy that had just been ruthlessly kicked down and was silently whimpering made my heart ache as my stomach turned like I had just ate something rotten.

If I was feeling like this, I couldn't even begin to imagine what Xander was feeling but all of this could've been avoided if we weren't connected to begin with. If we weren't mates, I wouldn't have to hurt my best friend like this. The pained expression on his face doesn't last long as determination, anger, and something more soft, something more comforting appears on his face.

Those eyes of his harden and I watch wordlessly as he closes the gap between us. Leaning his face down to come closer to my own so that I can feel his breath on my face, he stares deeply into my eyes to lock me in place. He's successful, my body feels like it's been glued in place. It felt like I was physically unable to look at anything else but Xander King.

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