Chapter Seven | Xander King

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Chapter Seven | Xander King

                 The professor, I'm unsure of what his name is despite him introducing himself to me during the first half of class — oops — is droning on and on about shit I'm not interested in. Science was never a subject that I was even remotely interested in so it's not a surprise that I'm not animatedly listening to what this lanky six foot four man with the front of his hair balding has to say.

It didn't help that he sounded like he himself didn't want to fucking be here or look as if he had better things to do than to try and 'educate' a bunch of werewolves who were half listening intently and half divulging in conversations of their own to fill time.

Speaking of time, I glance at the clock above the professor who is currently lecturing and writing formulas on the black board that extends across the entire wall to see that it's only twelve fifty pm. This meant that I had to spend another thirty minutes hearing the monotonous lull of a man who hated his life.

I adjust my position in my seat, resting my elbow on the arm handle to my right as I lay my chin on the palm of my hand. My eyes skim across the large lecture hall that is filled with young adults and smells oddly familiar to autumn. There was rows upon rows of seating that extended into a gradual curve but there was a division between the rows in order to allow for students to either walk up, take a right and exit the classroom or walk down and head over to the podium where the professor is lecturing.

Fancy looking rectangular light fixtures brightly illuminate the room, allowing for not a single corner to remain hidden. The sleek grey walls, pearl white chairs with floating handles on either sides of the hundreds of chairs in here, and overall interior design within this room screamed, if not yelled 'modern.'

This room and the entire university itself is just so much different than Cambridge. Cambridge was more...dull with their classic and traditional looking wooden school desks that were the exact same as the desks I used to sit at in high school, and malfunctioning elevators that made students grumble as they were forced to do the least amount of exercise by walking up the gloomy wooden stairs, but like the fatasses that they were, complained the entire way despite it already being apart of their daily routine.

I sigh a little. I didn't think that I'd miss all of that as much as I do.

"What do you think, Jaylin?" A voice interrupts my thoughts.

I adjust my head to look to my left. "About what?"

"You're fucking with me, right? I was speaking for the last five minutes." Aiden narrows his eyes at me, his tone giving away how annoyed he is at my lack of attention to whatever he found to be more important than me having my own inner monologue.

"Sorry." That was the most lack luster apology I could've given, maybe I should try harder. "What did you say Mr. Amazing-and-all-knowing, Aiden Stone?"

"I said that Xander just walked into the room." Aiden flashed me a smile.

My eyes widen and I jump in my seat which, reasonably, elicited looks from the people around us. My eyes viciously scan the room and my nose twitches to catch a whiff of the man I was avoiding, but I was coming up short as I didn't spot him nor did I smell him.

Realizing that Aiden's punk ass was toying with me as some sort of petty revenge for not listening to him, I slowly sit back down in my seat but I was more alert and jumpy now and it was all because of this dick who is laughing so hard, he has tears coming out of those green demon eyes of his.

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