Chapter Seventeen | The Kettlebell

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Chapter Seventeen | The Kettlebell

                   The combat and training class was wrapping up and students began to clean up the gym that was previously a mess with weight lifting equipment and other essentials that were vital when it came to building muscle, improving endurance, toning muscle, and further unlocking new levels of strength. Professor Graylin had given all of us the present of putting shit away so that he wouldn't have to do it himself, something that was his damn job but he was too much of an ass to do it.

Near the large windows are Kaylee and Archer who are working together to fold up mats that came in various colors but they were really just fooling around with each other.


Beneath one of the basketball hoops on my far right is Hazel and Hunter who are flirting with each other and stealing kisses from one another instead of cleaning up the mess that Ronny Owens made thirty minutes ago with his lame ass attempt at trying to rip up sturdy and thick rope and transform it into 'art.'


Then there's Niklaus and Gnashton who have completely abandoned their task and have chosen to sit on the floor by a wall and watch everyone else suffer while they 'secretly' make out with each other. It wasn't much of a secret though since Niklaus would occasionally let out a pornstars moan that made everyone in the damn gym groan.


Looking outside one of the windows by Kaylee and Archer, I watch the figure of Caspian sprint across the green field as he tries to evade having to take any part in cleaning up; he always did that shit every single class period. I fucking hate that kid.

Xavier, Aiden, Xander, and I are collecting weight bars and weight plates that are scattered all over the gym. The plan is for us to put them in one place so that we can take them to the storage room once we're done. Xavier stacked the fifty pound plates on top of each other and repeated the method of organization with the other plates that went up to the maximum weight of two hundred and fifty. A plate that Xavier, Gnashton, and Xander were only capable of lifting.

I walk over to one of the many basketball hoops in here and bend down to pick up one of the weight bars that were chilling on the floor underneath the floating hoop. Before I can stand up straight, I feel a hard slap against my ass. Startled, I jolt up, dropping the bar in the process with the sound of it clattering against the floor ringing in my ears.

Narrowing my eyes into slits, my new focus is on finding my assailant. A task that wasn't difficult as I watch a smirking Xander jog backwards to Aiden who, upon Xander getting close enough, hooks his arm around his neck and drags him along with him to pick up five sixty pound weights that were on the floor near them. Rolling my eyes and huffing, I made a promise to myself that I would get my revenge as I rub my ass cheeks. That shit left my ass stinging.

My attention shifts to the left side of the gym, near the tan doors that led to the storage room, where Eros and Easton were working together to try and put the heavy ass barbells and kettlebells into said storage room. An obstacle that proved to be impossible for them as they're skinny arms attempted to grab the weight equipment but they were fruitless in their futile efforts to pick them up. Even the one-hundred pound weights were impossible for them.

I felt bad for them, especially knowing that they were two of the weakest wolves in here and yet Professor Graylin gave them the task. Sadistic bastard. As if to further prove just how much of a fucking dick he really is, I watch professor Graylin march over angrily to Eros and Easton with the veins in his neck twitching and shove Easton who stumbled and almost tripped over himself.

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