Chapter Twenty-Four | The Great Milk and Cereal Debate

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Chapter Twenty-Four| The Great Milk and Cereal Debate

                 Whatever Hazel said made Rosa laugh as she threw her head back and laughed boisterously with that signature cackle of hers that let me know that she genuinely found what Hazel said funny. If she was fake laughing or laughing when she was flirting, it would've been less raw and more...tame, more giggly and feminine.

Lounging on the same couch from yesterday, Rosa, Kaylee, and Hazel had gathered together and were talking about fuck knows what. I didn't really care to tune into their conversation despite the fact that they were just a few away from me and if I really cared enough, I'd be able to eavesdropping. I didn't have the desire to do so as I was much more preoccupied with Jeremey beside me who was in this stupid ass debate with Hunter.

They were arguing about whether milk or cereal came first. Jeremy was a strong advocate for the cereal first then milk comes after side whereas Hunter firmly believed that the only right way to eat cereal was to have the milk come first and then add the cereal.

Hunter spewed some bullshit about how it just made more sense given the fact that you'd be able to pour the correct amount of milk each and every time, whether you wanted just one bowl or more. To which, Jeremy argued back saying that the cereal would get soggy as hell if you chose to pour the milk first and then add the cereal. Therefore, the logical thing to do unless you want to eat 'cereal soup' — his words, definitely not fucking mine — is to add the cereal first.

Doing so made sure that you were going to add the right amount of milk in a more efficient way. I felt like I wanted to take a gun to my head and shoot. The fact that they were actually having this kind of nonsense blew the shit out of me. Out of all things to talk about like the fact that Caspian and Archer are literally on the other couch over there having a damn burping contest, they were here discussing how to eat cereal.

Morons. Truly morons.

I found it to be really damn ironic how Rosa and Jeremy flew over here to see me, and yet Rosa spent most of her time with the girls, minus Archer — if she even counted anymore. I wasn't upset nor was I hurt about it, I just thought it was funny. She got along with them really well, seeing as she seems to be herself whenever she's with them. I'm able to see the Rosa that I knew back in California whenever I see her talk to Kaylee and Hazel, the real Rosa. The Rosa I saw whenever she was flirting with a hot guy made me want to fucking barf.

"Jaylin, what do you think?" Jeremy asked me.

I blink as I look away from Rosa and the other girls to look at Jeremey who sits beside me with Hunter on the other side of Jeremey, looking at me expectantly. His face told me that he wanted me to side with him, to see the right in his argument and ultimately prove Jeremey wrong.

Oh how badly Hunter wanted to be triumphant against the stubborn, relentless Jeremy who was no doubt getting on Hunter's nerves with his solid arguments and points that Hunter was occasionally able to counterattack but he wasn't much of a debater. Having someone on his side would be his saving grace, the thing that would validate his points somehow.

I glance back at Jeremey.

Meanwhile, Jeremey just looked at me calmly and waited for my opinion. There was no coercion with those big brown eyes of his, just patience with a hint of understanding in a look that let me know that he'd respect whatever my answer was. This is how Jeremy is with me all the time. Calm, patient, understanding, loyal.

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