Chapter Nineteen | He's Just...Scared

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Chapter Nineteen | He's Just...Scared




I whip my head around with a scowl on my face as I rip the wooden hoe out of Xavier's hands before he could make that stupid sound again.

"Why the hell do you keep smashing the hoe against the ground like that?!" I demand, engulfed in rage.

He wipes the sweat off his forehead with those thick premium leather gloves on his hands smearing dirt across his tanned skin. His eyes are narrowed as he squints to make out my face, the sun was beating down on us which made it hard to see and even harder to think.

Sweat dripped all over our bodies, trickling down every open crevice as it trailed all over our warm skin, making us a stinky, wet, and — with the combination of us being on the ground rolling around in dirt — a dirty ass mess.

"I'm trying to get the weeds out, Jay." He panted.

He reached out, snatched the hoe that I stole from him out of my hands and turned back around to continue slamming the instrument against the ground with the illusion that that was the proper way to use the damn thing. He was wrong — obviously — and all he ended up accomplishing was spread dirt everywhere as it launched itself on Xavier who was a dirty and sweaty mess and me as well who had to bear the residue of what didn't land on Xavier.

I fucking hate this.

This is mine and Xavier's punishment for what happened a few days ago; digging up damn weeds out of the pack garden that May started two years ago, at least that's what Xavier told me. I take that back actually. This was only one out of the multiple things we had to do as punishment for what we did.

After this, we were instructed to clean bird shit off of the cars that were parked outside near the back of the mansion and give them a car wash with our bare hands. There were literally machines for shit like that but no, Xavier and I had to do it. The pack has hundreds of cars and a third of said cars always parked outside...if I could break off my arms right now I would.

I glance at Xavier. Maybe he would break them off for me. I shake my head and look down at the ground, a weed pokes out to greet me. Frustrated, I snatch up the damn thing with my bare hands and chuck it as far as I possibly can.

"Do you think that Easton thinks that I'm a monster?" Xavier said suddenly, his movements slowing down to a stop.

"If he's seen you when you're hungry then hell yes." I mutter without really thinking as I try to dig up more weeds.

When I don't hear a response from him, I stop focusing on the weeds on the ground and turn around to look at him. He's staring down at his hands, playing with his fingers absentmindedly as his eyes shine with a sadness that makes concern and worry spread though me like a disease invading a humans internal organs.

Dropping the hoe and crawling to sit next to him on my knees, I stare at my friend who has every emotion he's feeling right now written all over his face. There was no need to try and guess what Xavier was feeling ever because he wore his heart on his sleeves, was an open book, and allowed his face to tell a story every time you looked at him. He looked broken and distraught, like a child who just had his favorite toy taken from him unfairly by the bully who he was unable to stand up to.

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