Chapter Eight | Words Unspoken

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Chapter Eight | Words Unspoken

                  I felt like the breath was sucked right out me. I thought my heart was beating violently before but it's nothing compared to now. My heart thuds against my chest, so feverently that I feel like one wrong move on my part and it would leap right out of my mouth and splattered onto the clean floors beneath me.

I didn't notice how much I was shaking and trembling until I felt my pinky twitch and that was all it took for me to realize just how much of a weak mess I was beneath him. My throat felt tight and constricted as if someone had their hands wrapped my neck to prevent me from inhaling. The goosebumps that broke out on every inch of my skin made me shiver as I felt the unconscious desire to sink deeper into the floor until I just disappeared and evaporated into a state of nothingness.

The smell, and proximity of him being this close made it hard for me to think. His smell, those powerful pheromones of his felt even stronger and it made my knees feel weak. If I was standing, I would've surely collapsed or lost consciousness given how absolutely lightheaded I am.

The feelings that were running me gave me a headache as it hit me all at once. Jackson was blocked but that didn't stop him from whining desperately as he wanted to be even closer to our mate who was just a few inches above us. The push to be closer to him was there but I had to swallow that down, however it was too thick to swallow and left the largest lump in my throat.

Then I finally looked up at him, and I felt like the world around us was slowly crumbling, leaving just the two of us in existence.

My heart stopped.

His brilliant chocolate brown eyes that were hazel whenever the light reflected onto them stare down at me with a look I couldn't decipher, a look that made my face feel hot and my toes inadvertently curl.

His nose was perfectly sculpted onto his face as if he was a fucking piece of art with the tip of his nose pointed and the angle symmetrical given the geometry of his face. Those nicely downturned thin pink lips of his with his cupids bow more prominent than ever are slightly ajar with soft breathes slipping past them every so often. I wasn't sure if it was due to him tackling me down or because, just like me, he felt like the wind was knocked out of him.

His sun kissed skin glowed as he sported a warm tan that only helped to emphasize the structure of his jawline that was as sharp as a knife. So sharp, I feared that if he came any closer he'd cut me.

Not that I was paying close attention to it or anything, but him being shirtless revealed just how much he'd been working out throughout the years as his biceps bulged considerably. With his hands on either side of my head, it was easier for my eyes to take in the strained veins that traveled through his arms and slightly trickled up his neck where I was able to witness the way his Adam's apple bobbed. A sight that made my insides tingle so I quickly averted my eyes so that they were cast downwards, something I wish I hadn't done as my eyes get a full view of his unclothed package.

Panicked, I rip my eyes away from his member before the memory of it can forever be ingrained in my memory.

He's completely naked.

The fact that he's fucking naked is what snaps me out of my trance as I reflexively raise my leg and kick him in the stomach, successfully pushing him away. I sit up immediately and scoot back until there is a reasonable distance between us. Xander was unfazed like I didn't just kick him as he rests both of his knees on the floor but his eyes are glued to me and he's positioned like he's about to pounce again like the animal that he is and that's what makes my heart jump.

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