Chapter Nine | Never Ever

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Chapter Nine | Never Ever

"What do you think about this one?" Kaylee lifts a satin brown ruched bodycon mini dress that would hug her figure well — a little too well — and end a few inches past her butt.

I groan as I fall onto my back on her soft circle shaped mattress that had a white but almost transparent looking canopy that wrapped itself around the large mattress multiple feet above the bed itself.

"Why the hell did you ask me to help you do this?" I groan in annoyance.

"Because you're my brother." She says it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, but it still made no sense to me.

I peer up at her as she turns around and drops the brown dress onto the white chair that was in front of her larger-than-life vanity. She barely even did her makeup so why the hell did she even have that thing?

"That's exactly why it makes no sense, Kay. You have Hazel, Nicklaus, mom, May, Eros, and Easton so out of all of them why did you choose to bother me with this?" I raise a brow.

Her hands drop with over ten other dresses in her hands falling as she looks at me with a frown.

"I care about your opinion, Jay." She pouts.

I roll my eyes at her. "More like they're too busy to help you."

"Bingo." She said in a sing-song tone and began to, once again, rifle through the assortment of dresses that were scattered all over her white chair.

I watched as she raised a loose satin black dress in her left hand while in her right hand, she raised a cream-colored t-shirt dress that had something in black written in the right corner and on the bottom of the dress there were two strings with a purpose I wasn't sure of.

There's a massive body sized mirror with gold trimming lining the entire mirror with fake green plants dangling from the top and running along the sides that Kaylee turns around to face as she holds both dresses to her body.

Cocking her head to the side from time to time, she goes through the annoying process of lifting the black dress in front of her to see how it'd look and then putting the cream dress in front of her to see if she'd like it more.

Black dress, cream dress, black dress, cream dress, black dress...

For fuck sakes. I groan audibly as I don't even bother to look at her anymore and instead decide to stare up at her tall ceilings but more particularly the shimmering gold chandelier that brightens up the room.

"Well maybe if you weren't just taking up my precious air with your stank breathing and actually helping me, you wouldn't have to be here any longer." Kaylee said with mock sweetness.

It was like biting into a caramel apple that appeared inviting and delicious but then you bit into it and discovered worms. Kaylee in a nutshell I'd say.

"Yeah, let's tell the person that you want help from that they have stank breath. You're doing amazing, sweetie." I quip sarcastically.

"Jaylin, please!" Kaylee whines dramatically.

I huff and begin to kick my feet around as I thrash about on her bed, messing up her perfectly organized white and light grey pillows. While throwing my mini and very much extra tantrum, I end up ruffling her satin bed sheets; she's clearly obsessed with satin. When I'm done, I release an exasperated breath as I twist my head to look at Kaylee who has her eyebrows arched with her manicured right-hand resting on her hips.

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