The Warning

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About two weeks after we brought the child, Ashei home, the bar is up and running again. For weeks, it's been closed, the cover up is that we need to make some renovations, but in reality, it was because we were starting to get some... unwanted visitors. "You ready?" asks Telma, she asks as if we're just going onto a stage, for a play. Of course, being part of the resistance always takes a lot of acting, we can't feel bad if someone in our group dies, we can't let our emotions show, we need to keep secrets, and most of all, we have to pretend that we simply adore the king of Hyrule, Ganondorf Dragmire. I look down at my outfit, a long white dress with several layers over lapping on top of it. My hair is done into a simple braid, and a smile is plastered on my face. "Yes, of course" I finally answer, holding my empty tray as I walk out into the main area of the tavern. People are talking and laughing, a few are whispering to each other, like they have secrets to share. "Can I get something to drink?" yells someone. I nod quickly and fill up a mug with beer, bringing it over to the table without looking down at the person sitting there. I turn around slowly, and they grab my wrist. 

I get ready for a fight, I've been in bar fights before, this wouldn't be anything new. But before I can do anything, he lets me go. "Sorry ma'am, I don't drink alcohol" says the person. I turn and look down at a figure, shrouded in a dark brown cloak that almost makes them seem invisible as the light hits them just right. "Oh, of course kind..... traveler" I take the jug back to the counter, and fill another with water, bringing it back to them. "Anything else?" they take the jug from me and shake their head. "Well, you should probably stay here for a while, it's storming something fierce out there" they shrug, finishing their drink quickly, and looking back at me. "Is their something you need?" they ask. I shake my head and walk away, but keep an eye on him... her... whatever, they seem mysterious. 

"You alright Kokiri?" asks Telma as I bump into her. "Yeah, I'm fine" I look back at the customer, who is looking right at me, their gaze not faltering. "Let's just.... yeah... whatever" I continue to serve customer after customer, until it's about one in the morning. I'm tired, but I still don't let my gaze drift from the mystery person, who's still watching me. At this point, there are only a few people in the bar, most of them are tipsy and drunk, but a few are talking among themselves. "What time is it?" I ask Telma, she looks around. "I don't know, like, two am maybe?" she answers, walking away and giving a last drink to another table. The man sitting there takes it, drinks, and then stumbles out of the bar. Finally, the last person in the bar is the mysterious figure from earlier. They just keep watching me, and I'm not sure why. 

As if on cue, someone comes into the tavern. "Would you like a..." they charge towards me, and I see for the first time, that they have a dagger in their hand. I bring my tray up to use as a shield, and Telma brings a large jug down on the persons head. They kick her aside, just in time so that I can pull back they're hood. "You're a Gerudo" I realize suddenly. It's true, they have tanned skin and red hair tied back into a pony tail. They sneer at me. "Stupid rebels" she snarls, rushing at me again. I bend backwards, avoiding the small blade as she brings it towards my face. I kick out with my legs, sending her flying back against a far wall. Groaning, she jumps to her feet, throwing her dagger at me. It rushes past my face, cutting a jagged wound across my cheek. 

That's going to leave a bruise. 

She makes her way to the door, in a second, I've disappeared into a puff of smoke, and appeared in front of her. "Not so scary now, huh?" I ask, grabbing her throat. She reaches for my hands. "King Ganondorf will have your head" she spits out. "Daughter of the Hero of Time" I drop her, surprised, and she ducks out the door, and into the night. I touch my cheek, letting a tear drop. Not of pain, but of surprise, and grief that I've pushed down for three years. 

I look around, to see Telma walking towards me, and to see the stranger sitting up. "Tell no one of what you saw here" I demand. They make there way towards me, running a hand across my cheek. "You're not safe here" they inform me. "Not anymore....." I look up at them. "What are you talking about?" They look from me, to Telma. "That is the mark that the Gerudo give, so that they're assassins know who to kill" I'm stunned. "You mean that wasn't..." they shake their head. "That was no more than a messenger.... you must leave Castle Town if you ever want to be safe" They state. "Now wait a minute" says Telma. "Who are you that we should trust you, I'll have you know that I've survived assassination attempts before..." They stop me. "You really don't know who I am, Hero of Sages" 

I look at they're shadowed face. "Who?" I ask. "Who are you to know that? About... that.... whatever?" They take my right hand, where the triforce glows. "Who am I?" the voice cracks, sad and familiar. "Who am I Kokiri?" he asks, pulling back his hood and bringing down his mask. "Who am I Kokiri, you tell me."


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