The Quest

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When Thom and I came back from the inn, Purah was making dinner for us, eyeing us as we walked in. "How's Missy?" she asked Thom. I crack a smile as he blushes. "She's doing fine..." I then burst out laughing. "He couldn't get one word out!" Purah smiles as well, and soon all three of us are laughing. "Alright, sit down, I'll serve dinner. The two of us need to talk" her gaze lands on me, and I nod slowly. "Mom used to tell me all about you and your siblings" says Thom, offering me a seat. My face melts into a frown. "Unfortunately, my parents were not keen on sharing things with me. I didn't even know I had an aunt before today" He shrugs. "I didn't know until I was ten, and I found her stack of letters... she finally had to tell me" I don't know how to respond, so we sit in silence until Purah comes out with a feast of beef and corn on the cob. It reminds me of some of my mothers meals, and I smile as I breath in. 

"I got this recipe from your mother" she explains as I study it. Digging in, I hum in delight. "Just as delicious as I remember it being" I say to myself, smiling as Thom gives Purah a thumbs up. As soon as we're finished, before we can clear our plates, Purah starts to talk. "Now... Kokiri... I know that their is somethings that we need to talk about" she looks at Thom, who sighs, and starts to clear the dishes. "You know at this point, that you are the next Hero of Hyrule" I gulp, and nod. "The Shadow and I... we have spoken before. He told me you were coming... He told me that I needed to direct you on your mission

"That sword you have on your back... it is powerful... but not as powerful as it could be. To fully power it, you will need to find the seven sages who created it. The Sage of Fire. The Sage of Water. The Sage of Light. The Sage of Shadow. The Sage of the Forest. The Sage of Spirits. And the Seventh Sage. When you find them... you will be able to "upgrade" your sword, as it were. Once you have done that, you will be worthy of carrying the sword of evil's bane" I nod slowly, brow furrowed. "You are different from the other heroes" she continues, taking my hand in her's. "Because I'm female?"

She chuckles. "That too, but because you were raised by a hero already. Whether you knew it or not, your father's very presence protected you. Usually, the hero is a commoner... but you were no commoner Kokiri. You mother was a Gerudo princess, whether she admitted it or not. And your father is the heir to the Sheikah, just like me, whether he knew it or not... And not only that, but the Hero of Time" 

I nod slowly, and look up at her. "Where should I go first?" She smiles slightly. "I thought you would say that. I'd like you to get a good nights rest... then" standing, she pulls out a map from a wooden chest. "This is a map of Hyrule. See this" she points to a forest in the north east of Hyrule. "This is where you need to go. The place where your father grew up... Kokiri Forest. Find this place... and talk to the new Great Deku Tree. He is the protector of the forest, along with the Kokiri People. Speak to him, and he will guide you to the Sage of the Forest" 

I nod slowly, tears popping into my eyes. "It's going to be okay" she promises, resting her forehead against mine. "Why am I the hero? Why not Ruto? Or Goro?" My voice cracks at my brothers name. "And that's another thing that sets you apart from the other heroes... Kokiri, you remember the losses that you went through. The rest were almost always alone... but you remember everything. Goddesses, you're so much like him" She embraces me. "Why don't you go upstairs and get some sleep?"

I don't say anything as I walk upstairs, and slowly, drift off to sleep. 

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