Dark Link

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"Who are you?" I ask, as soon as I'm able to talk again. We're no longer on Lon Lon Ranch, but in a place where everything is white washed.  "I miss the days when the hero was more bite and no bark" says the figure, pulling its hood back. My mouth falls open. "You look like... the captain" I comment, confused. He really does, except that he looks more like a shadow, with red eyes, and white hair. "Yes... this is the form I prefer to take" he comments, looking down at himself, then, in a flash of darkness, he looks a lot like my father. Except for the fact that he still looks like a shadow. "Do you prefer this form?" I flinch, and shake my head, forcing myself not to cry. Now he looks like Hyrule... or... the Traveler. 

"What are you?" I ask again, reaching for my sword. He raises an eyebrow. "Let me ask you something Kokiri, why do you think that the heroes of Hyrule were traveling together?" This stumps me. I never even thought to ask a question about why they were traveling together. I only ever wanted to know who they really were. "I... don't think it matters much anymore, does it. And how do you even know my name?" he chuckles. "I know a lot about you Kokiri.... People call me Dark Link. I am the shadow of the heroes of Hyrule. A test made of their fears, their anger, their anxiety, their grief... all the emotions they don't want to show. And when I escaped the prison that the goddesses were always locking me in, they sent the heroes after me" I grip my sword a little tighter. 

"Don't even try to fight me Kokiri, you're powerful, but not powerful enough to destroy me... yet" I fold my arms, annoyed. "Then why are you here? And where is here?" He chuckles again. "You're in a world between the living and the dead. A world of spirits. A world that does not follow the rules of life and death. A plane of existence where I can talk to you without killing you" I raise an eyebrow. "When the heroes finally defeated me, they locked me here. And when your father died, he made a deal with me. He wouldn't destroy my soul, if I helped you. Unfortunately, I agreed. Which leads us to where we are now"

My mouth falls open. "Help me? Why would you need to help me?" He full on laughs this time. "Well, for one, no matter how much you say you know how to use a sword, there are certain forms that you do not know, and will help you take down Ganondorf. And two, you're going about this journey all wrong?" I scoff at him. "What's that supposed to mean?" he laughs again. "It means that you shouldn't pull your little friends, Arthur, or Telma, into this. I'll tell you this hero, you need to find the seven sages. Once you do, you will be able to use the Master Sword to defeat Ganondorf"

"So Telma and Arthur can't come with me?" I ask, surprised. He sighs. "You're pretty slow, aren't you? No Kokiri, they cannot come with you, because you put them in danger. Now, I suggest that you make your way to Heteno first and...." I point the sword of sages at him. "I do not take orders from you" He raises an eyebrow, and before I know what's happening, he has a knife against my throat. "Pulling a sword on me is a stupid idea darling" he hisses. I kick him in the leg, spin around, and once again point the sword at his throat. "I'm not trying to give you orders Kokiri... I'm simply saying that if you wish to know what to do. You'll leave your friends out of this and go to Heteno Village as soon as possible"

I look at him for a moment, and he raises an eyebrow. "Or, you can risk the life of your friends... and run away from Hyrule, letting that Gerudo Assassin come after you and them, killing you all" That sends shivers up my spine. "Fine..." I say finally. He nods, snaps, and the world begins to spin again. Before I know it, I'm back on Lon Lon Ranch, with Arthur standing next to me, looking petrified. "What happened?" he asked, looking around. I open my mouth to speak, and then close it again. "Arthur I... I need to do this... alone..." I tell him, holding my head in my hands. 

He seems surprised. "What do you mean? You know, you don't have to! You have me and Telma..." I shake my head. "Stay here on Lon Lon Ranch, Arthur. And keep Telma safe, got it?" I start to turn towards Epona. He grabs my shoulder. "Kokiri, we're staying with you. You don't have to do this alone...." I shake my head. "My father did. I can as well" Arthur's grip tightens. "You are not your father, Kokiri" I shrug him off. "I know I'm not my father, Prince Arthur. But I don't want my friends to end up hurt... or worse" 

"Kokiri, you are not going anywhere without us... That's an order" The world seems to stop for a moment as we glare at each other, both equally surprised at what just happened. "Unfortunately, I take orders from no where, Arthur. You are not the King of Hyrule, and if you do not let me do this, Ganondorf will continue to be on the throne" We're both seething now. "You. Are. Not. Going. Alone." I turn away from him again. "I'd love to see you try to stop me" 

I saddle up Epona before he can say anything. "You'll get me there, won't you girl?" I say quietly, petting her. "Kokiri, don't you dare!" he yells, stepping in front of Epona. "Get out of my way Arthur. I'll be fine" I touch the sword of Sages sheathed at my side, and the Gerudo Sword on my back. He looks up at me, eyes welling with tears, and then steps aside. "We'll be there to help you. I promise... Stay safe" 

I nod, and race off, out of Lon Lon Ranch, and into Hyrule Field.

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