The Forest Temple

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When the skeleton that used to be my father, and the world around him, fades, I'm back at the Forest Temple. There's a long hollow tree trunk acting as a path that winds its way up to the top, and the entrance is guarded by bokoblins. "Here we go" I say to myself, taking out the sword and shield. In a flash of blinding light, Fi appears again in front of me once again. "There is danger ahead Kokiri. You must take caution, the evil you are about to face is like none I have ever seen before" Gulping, I nod, a little worried as she disappears and make my way up the wooden path to the Forest Temple. Made out of what looks like wood, but feels like marble, it towers above the trees of the forest, reaching towards the heavens, and covered by a thick mist as it reaches the tops of the first trees. That must be why I can't see it. 

The Bokoblins turn as I approach, their beady little eyes landing on me as they roar out a battle cry and run for me, ready to kill. Raising my sword and shield, I easily knock one to the ground, delivering the finishing blow as it screams out in pain. Without hesitation, the other one comes for me as well, and I sink my sword right into its neck. Taking a deep breath, I look around, sweeping my eyes over the area to make sure that no other monsters around. When I see none, I look off into the dark passage way that leads into the temple. Taking another deep breath, I run through it, feeling the air whip past me as I finally make it to what looks like a room made of tree bark. To every side is what looks like a long, dark hallway, including the one that I just came out of. 

I run through the one on the left, appearing in a room completely empty except for a few skullkulas. Turning, the first one skitters towards me, and I raise my sword. "I hate spiders" I comment to no one, shivering. I swing my sword, but the blade ricochets off of its armor like skin, and almost hits me in the face. Angry, the spider like creature hisses and climbs up the wall and ceiling, dropping down on a web beside another one. They seem to swing at me, and for the first time, it hits me in the face, sending me flying backwards. "Wonderful" I mumble to myself, touching the blood now covering my face. I ignore the stinging pain as it turns around, showing its not so tough under belly. Smirking, I swing my sword around, making it fall to the ground, dead. 

Two more turn on me, and I do the same thing, this time without even a scratch. "Nice try" I comment, wiping some of the blood off my face with my sleeve. There's a small flash of light, and when I turn around, there's a chest in the middle of the floor, waiting to be opened. Sheathing my sword, I kneel down beside it, opening it with ease and finding a map inside. With another flash of light, Navi appears. "That is the dungeon map, it will show you the rooms in the dungeon that you have and haven't been to yet. Find a compass so that you can also locate chests and the final curse!" she chirps, and then disappears back into the sword. "Final curse?" I ask, opening up the map to find multiple shaded in rooms, and two that are a bit more clear. "Ah" I say quietly to myself. "So that's what she meant"

With that, I pick myself up and head into the main room again, walking right across it and into the room on the right. This time, the chest is already there, but it's guarded by stalfoes. "Once again, wonderful. I guess nothing comes easy in this life" The first runs at me, sword raised. Metal meets metal as I raise the Gerudo Shield, using my free hand to cut it in half. The things head looks at me as I bring my sword down on it and look at the others. They make the same mistakes, coming at me head on, and giving me enough time to defeat them with ease. When all of them are gone, I kick the chest open, to find a red rupee inside. "Not as good as another map or a compass, but I suppose now I can actually by some better weapons" I comment, putting it in my wallet and heading to the next room. 

The next few rooms are more or less the same, a few chests, one with a sling shot in it, and one with a compass. Plus a few monsters in each. Finally, I make it to a mostly empty room, and the door slams behind me. My eyes widen as in a flash of purple light, a huge monster appears. It looks like a snake, a giant snake, with yellow scales and malice filled eyes. Lifting itself up, it flicks its tongue at me, and my mouth falls open in a silent scream. "Kokiri!" calls Navi, appearing in a flash of light. "This is the snake Queen, Medusa. She's the embodiment of the final curse!" I remember the big golden key I had used to open this door. "Oh crap... Why did it have to be snakes?"

Medusa hisses at me again, and then charges at me. Jumping to the side, I just barely avoid her attack. "You're really fast for a snake your size" I squeak out, face as pale as death. She turns back to me, staring into my soul with those malice filled eyes of her's. "Kokiri, her eyes! Use the slingshot" Unsure of what she means, I flip away from the next attack, landing on her back. Plunging my sword down into her scales, she shrieks, but ends up throwing me off, the sword still stuck in her back. Hitting the far wall, I watch as she speeds towards me, teeth at the ready. I duck to the side just in time to feel one of her gigantic teeth pierce my arm. "AH!" I scream out in pain as she backs up, ready for another blow. Holding my bloody arm, I pull out one of her fangs from it, seeing that she's now missing one. 

"You dropped this" I comment, dropping it into my bag and pulling out the sling shot. Putting one of the stones in it, I aim for her eye, missing. "Shoot!" I cry, trying desperately to stop the bleeding. If this keeps up, I might be seeing my father sooner than I think. With this in mind, I take another shot, this time it hits her eye, crushing it in a spray of black blood. Rearing, the snake going for me again, and this time, I'm quick enough to duck before it crushes my head. As it rears back, I take another shot, this time at its other eye, crushing it once again in a spray of black blood. "The fang!" yells Navi. "It's poisonous" Once again, I jump to my feet, disapearing into a puff of smoke and reappearing on its back. Keeping my balance, I stab the fang in and out of its skin a few times, managing to grab the sword of six sages as Medusa throws me off once again. And then drops dead. 

Relieved and in pain, I collapse onto the floor. 

And everything goes dark.  

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