The Water Temple

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I change into the Zora Armor, it's odd, blue armor with find on the arms and webbed feet. But I can guess that I'll be doing some swimming, seeing as it is called the "Water Temple". As I look up at the temple, I clench my fists, the ghost of the pain in my shoulder coming back. "Okay, I can do this" my hand drifts to the sword of sages on my back, and after a moment of hesitation, I run towards the temple. Where the door should be, there's instead a large stone wall, with vines climbing up it. Well, that's not good. I clench my fists, bringing out the sword of sages. Perhaps this can help break it? I bring the sword down on the cracked wall, but it barely makes a dent. 

Sighing, I put the sword away, and think for a moment, studying it. There's no other entrance to the temple as far as I can see. So how do I get inside? My eyes drift to the glowing green "tattoo" on my arm. Smirking, I press my hand against the rock. Something clicks inside my brain, and the vines crawl up the wall, breaking it into little pieces. The tattoo stops glowing, now a dull green color. I step around the debree and head into the temple. There's a long hallway, and water runs down the perfect white marble around it. Keese hang from the ceiling and plant like monsters sprout from the floor. One that's right in front of me turns, and opens it Fly Trap like jaws, nicking my arm. I jump to the side surprised, and take out my sword and shield. The thing goes to attack me again, and this time, I put my shield up to stop it. Stunned, the thing stands straight up, letting me cut it at the stem. 

I make my way through a few of these and a few Keese, before getting to a fork like hallway. One side is a set of stares that leads to a large room, the other just keeps going on and on. I think for a moment and walk down the stairway, making my way into the large room. Where three bokoblins are waiting for me. Slowly, they turn to me, and I ready my sword, eyes narrowing. The first one comes at me, club raised, and I raise my sword to block it. Metal cuts through woods, and I struggle to pull my sword free. At the same time, the second one runs at me as well, and as I pull my sword free, I swing my shield around, knocking it against the demon's helmet. 

Stumbling back, it comes at me with a rusted iron sword. Ducking under the blow, I thrust my own sword forward and impale the first one. Falling to the ground, it screams as I pull my sword out of its stomach, now covered in black blood. The third one rushes at me. It's a little bigger than the others, with silver skin instead of blue. Taking a deep breath, I spin around, cutting the last two down. Then, take a deep breath before studying my sword. It's covered in black blood, which definitely isn't normal. Monster blood can be red, or purple, but never black. "So what's going on?" I ask, pondering the blood as I wipe my sword on my sleeve. 

I look around, the room is large, with a vaulted ceiling made of white and blue marble. On the right, is a large stone door decorated with the symbol of the Zora. Above it, in a little alcove, behind a small waterfall that seems to go upwards instead of down, is a large blue crystal. I think for a moment, and then bring out my sling shot. Pulling it back, I shoot the blue crystal, and it stops glowing, making the stone door roll aside. Inside the next room is a room filled with... water?

I stare in awe. The water doesn't spill out of the room, it just seems to stay their, like there's a glass wall in front of it. Confused, I put my hand up to it, and sure enough, the webbed half glove of the Zora Armor goes right through it. Taking a deep breath, I step forward until I'm fully submerged. Water gets into my eyes and nose... and I can't breath. 

Well of course I can't breath, I'm in water! 

How dumb can I get?

I look around, panicking, and moving to go back out of the room. But the stone rolls back over the entrance, and despite the water, my eyes widen in panic. 

"Kokiri..." says a familiar voice. I squint through the water, and Navi appears. "Navi?" water fills my mouth as I try to call out for her. "Yes... it's me... Kokiri, look! Listen!" she calls as I try to look for another exit. "Put the mask over your your face. It will help you" I reach down, and sure enough, right below my chin is a face mask connected to the Zora Armor. I pull it over my mouth and nose, immediately, my eyes are no longer filled with water, and I can breath just fine. Taking a few deep breaths, I look around, there's a door on the other side of the room with a lever beside it. Cautiously, I draw my sword and walk towards it. 

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