Kokiri Forest

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When I enter Kokiri Forest, I'm stunned. It's so... beautiful. Everything is lush and green, children are playing below the hill that I'm standing on, and their isn't an adult in sight. The houses are hollowed out trees, and the swords that the eldest (maybe 12 or 13) carry, are made of wood, as are the shields. I slide down the hill, leading Epona, and they all stop playing. Feeling as if I don't belong, I begin to back away, but someone stops me. A blonde haired boy dressed in green. He can't be over 11 years old, and he carries a wooden sword in his hand. "Who are you? And how did you reach Kokiri Forest?" 

I back up another step, but take a deep breath. They're just children... They're just... scared. "I was told by Purah of Heteno Village to come here.... To find the Sage of the Forest" They all gasp, and one of them, another blonde haired boy, walks up to me. "I'm Fado... You must be the Hero of Hyrule" Slowly, I nod, and they once again gasp. "What is your name, Ms. Hero of Hyrule?" asks the first one, suspicious. "My name is Kokiri LonLon" This time, a few of them giggle. "You are named after our people, Lady Kokiri?" asks Fado, looking me up and down. "My father... Link... he was raised by your people" 

Another gasp. "Your Link's daughter?" asks the first, out raged. I gulp, and nod slowly. "MIDO!" yells a voice. They all turn to see a little girl, no older than 8, with short green hair, and blue eyes. "My name is Saria.... I am the Sage of the Forest, and a dear friend of your fathers. I suppose since he hasn't visited in many years... that our fears are correct" I nod slowly, trying not to think about the day he died. "Who killed him?" asks a red headed little girl. "Ganondorf of the Gerudo... He rules over Hyrule and..." Saria stops me. "We know Kokiri. Trust me, we know better than anyone. Here is the only place that is safe from him... though even the Deku Tree's magic is failing against his" 

She sighs. "I will help you hero... if only to avenge an old friend. But... you must do something for us" I nod quickly, and she smiles. "There is a temple not far from here. The Forest Temple, their, the seal that holds back Ganondorf's plague on this forest. But after three years, it is breaking. If you can defeat the plague, I will gift you the power you seek" she says, her 8 year old eyes narrowing on me as if I were a demon. "Very well, I will save your people, and the forest" I kneel before her, and she nods, smiling a bit. 

"I hope to see you soon Hero"

"You as well"


The Kokiri children show me where to find the Temple, and I begin to make my way there. Bokoblins and even moblins block the path, slowing me down quite a bit, but finally I'm almost their, making my way across a small field... before something darts in front of me. "Skull Kid?" I ask, gulping as I grip my sword tightly. There's no answer. I whip my head around, but there's still nothing there. 

Then, turning around, I'm brought face to face with a Golden Wolf. 

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