Heteno Village

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Heteno is a small town, on the edge of Hyrule, a part of the country where they rarely get visits from any type of soldiers... or trouble, even now. Before getting there, I ran across a few other villages, all who seemed surprised by the presence of a stranger, much less one with a sword and shield. I wonder if they know what has happened to the rest of Hyrule? I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. It takes me about a week to reach Heteno Village, along the way, I'm able to sell some things for a few rupees, getting me a room at the nearest inn. 

When I walk into Heteno, people turn and stare at me. Not in a violent way, not at all, instead, they seem curious as to why a stranger is in their town. I nod at a few as I pass, worried, and stop in front of an inn. It appears to be the only inn in town, and is much smaller than the tavern. "Hello miss, can I help you?" asks a boy. He's maybe three or four years older than me, with dark skin and hair, and deep brown eyes. "Well...." I'm interrupted when a slightly younger girl runs into him. "I'll take care of your horse miss!" she announced, helping me down and grabbing Epona's reins. "Well then... I guess I don't" I comment, watching after her. He grins. "Yeah, that's Missy for you... I'm Sheldon, by the way" I shake his hand. "Kokiri" 

He gives me a funny look. "Kokiri? What an odd name..." He shrugs and motions to the door of the inn. "We rarely get strangers around these parts... Where are you from Ms. Kokiri?" He opens the door for me. "Central Hyrule" I inform him, not mentioning Lon Lon Ranch or Castle Town. "Father, we have a visitor!" calls Sheldon. A man with the same dark skin and hair grins from behind a counter. "Ah, nice to finally have someone to visit Heteno. How long will you be staying?" he asks. I place a hundred rupees on the table. "However many nights that much will get me" He grins and nods. "Sheldon, show her to her room, if you would"

Sheldon nods and motions for me to follow him down a long hallway. Neither of us say anything until he stops at a doorway that is slight ajar. "Here's your room..." he hands me a key. "And here's the key. Great to have you staying with us!" With that, he runs off, and I hear the door to the outside slam. I shut the door behind me, and look around. Its no castle, that's for sure, but its at least as big as Telma and my room in the tavern. I throw my cloak down on a chair before collapsing on the bed. "Where do I need to go?" I ask the air. Then, looking to make sure the door is shut tightly, I draw my sword. 

"Navi, please" I touch the sword to my forehead. "Please... It's been three years. But I know you're still there. Please Navi... I need your help..." There's a blinding light, and then a figure all in blue appears, floating in front of me. "What is it that you need?" she asks, looking down on me. "Where am I supposed to go from here?" I ask, looking around the room, and keeping my voice low. "Please, Navi... who am I supposed to see" For a moment, she's silent, and then she says. "Go see the Sheikah Woman in the village, she will know who you are, and where you need to go"

Then she's gone. 

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