The Gerudo Assassin

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The Assassin flips backwards, away from my blade, and gracefully lands on her feet. Her face is covered with a veil, like most Gerudo, and her red hair almost seems to glow in the twilight. "Who are you? What do you want?" There's no response, instead, she runs at me again, a sword in each hand. Her feet make no noise, and she has no problem flipping over me as I try to do a spin attack. Before she can cut me down from behind, I whip around, meeting her blades with my Gerudo Shield. She stops for a second, lowering her guard. But I don't. Teeth clenched, I go for her again. 

"I'll ask you again. Who are you? What do you want?" I growl, leaping forward to meet her blades with my own. There's still no answer as she moves one of her blades, catching me by surprise. I duck out of the way to keep it from connecting with my head. I disappear in a puff of smoke, appearing behind her and kicking my legs out. She goes sprawling forward, catching her balance right before she hits the ground. "Answer me Hylia damn it" I swear under my breath and rush at her again. Only to be hit with the hilt of her sword. I swear again and turn to her, sword at the ready. 

"At least show me your face. If you have any code of honor" I say holding my side for a second before gripping my sword even tighter than before. She raises an eyebrow, and says. "I only show my face to those I trust. Or those I am about to kill" I raise an eyebrow, gripping my shield a bit tighter. "You're about to kill me. Why not show me your face?" I ask, stepping back a few yards. "I'm not going to kill you hero" she snaps. "Really, because it sure looks like it" 

"If that's what you believe, then you truly are stupid. If you truly believe that I am on the side of darkness. And have fully turned from the light of Hylia" she says, her voice unreadable. "You have! You kill innocent Hylians for the Gerudo. Who serve Ganondorf!" I scowl, rushing at her again. This time, she simply side steps my attack. "Didn't someone once tell you that heroes are supposed to bring balance, not blood?" she asks, a look of amusement in her eyes. I freeze, and she takes that advantage to bring the hilt of her sword onto my ribs. I yell in pain, losing my balance and falling to the ground. 

The Gerudo Assassin points her sword at my throat. "Tell me what your name is hero. I might let you live" she says, eyes narrowing on me. "Why would you do that?" I ask, rolling out of the way and bringing my sword up to block her's. "Because I think I know who you are Hero" she comments, back flipping away from me. "Really? What, did your boss tell you when they sent you after me?" She shakes her head, and then throws it back, laughing. "What's so funny?" I demand, dropping my guard for a moment, as she does the same. 

"Tell me your name and I'll tell you mine. I swear it on my life" she outstretches her arms, one curved sword in each hand, and drops them on the ground before stepping away. I kick them away from her, and she doesn't move. "Alright... fine... My name is Kokiri Lonlon. Now tell me yours" I demand, grinding my teeth. "Just as I thought" she says, reaching to remove her veil. Her face is tanned, a scar runs down her cheek, but something is so.... familiar.... about her. I just can't place it. "Don't tell me you don't remember me... Koko"

My jaw drops, and I sheath my sword. "How do you know that nickname? Did you force it out of someone?" I clench my fists. "Who would I force it out of Kokiri? Goro is dead. As are my parents. So what's the point" 

I don't know what to say. 

"You're... Ruto?" I ask, my voice cracking as a tear runs down my cheek. Suddenly, my face hardens again. "You... You... YOU IDIOT!" I tackle her to the ground, angry. She pushes me off, sending me tumbling across the ground. "What the hell was that for?" she asks, angrily. "You left me for three years to go serve that monster of a king. While I watched my friends and allies DIE! Don't you remember what he did to mom, to dad.... to your own twin?"

"YOU THINK I WAS REALLY SERVING HIM!? I risk my life sneaking Hylians across the border to Hytopia and Labrynna everyday! I send letters to Termina, begging for help. I'm sorry if I've had to kill a few people to keep my cover from being blown. But I did what I had to do Kokiri. While you sit there moping. And the only reason mom and Goro are dead is because of you! You didn't kneel before Ganondorf, so he killed her. You didn't stand, so he killed my twin brother! You and father both are the reasons that our family is torn apart. You're lucky I don't kill you where you stand!"

I'm stunned. "This is not my fault Ruto. And it's not our father's fault either. He and the other heroes tried to save Hyrule! He's a hero! You have no right to say that this is his fault. You're just as bad as Ganondorf if you truly believe that" Now it's her turn to be stunned. "I do truly believe that. And that doesn't make me anything like that demon of a 'king'. You're not truly a hero. Why don't you find the Ocarina of Time and call on one of dads friends? Even those idiots could do better than you"

"Idiots?" I ask, not sure how I feel about that. "They were... are... will be... the Heroes of Hyrule. That's more than you could ever be Ruto. So don't speak badly of them because you can't do anything to help Hyrule, and your to scared to make a stand against Ganondorf" 

Ruto doesn't speek for a moment, and I realize I've crossed a line. But I hold my head high, and glare at her. "If I had even a sliver of a chance of taking him down, I would Kokiri. You should know that. If I thought for one second that I was powerful enough, I would storm the castle and bring hell fire down on that son of a b****. But I know that I'm not powerful enough. Even you. With your fancy sword and Gerudo Shield, would die trying to fight him at this point. When I heard that I was chasing the Hero of Hyrule, I wanted to help you. But if you don't need my help. Or think I'm to weak of an ally" She grabs her sword and sheathes them at her side. "Then I'll leave"

Everything's quiet for a moment, and then a sound comes from an ally way near the building we're closest to. 

A slow clapping sound. 

A figure dressed in Sheikah clothing walks into view, their red eyes flashing as they continue towards us. We both pull out our weapons to face them, but the Sheikah just laughs. "Who are you?" I demand, stepping forward. They stop, and turn to me, red eyes looking me up and down. "Who am I? Hmm... I suppose that's fair"

"My name is Sheik, of the Sheikah Tribe"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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