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I walk through the village, hand drifting to my sword whenever someone walks by. Heteno is not a very busy village, but you never know when someone could be working for Ganondorf. I shiver at the thought. I ask a few people about the village elder, and they direct my attention to a large building, with a telescope on top. So, now I'm making my way their. The only problem? It's raining. Great, I have to walk up a steep hill, in the rain. I slip in slide as I try to climb up it, finally giving up when I fall to the ground, my face sliding through the mud. 

"You alright?" asks a voice. I look up to see boy, probably a year or two older than I am, offering a hand. "Yeah... I'm just trying to reach... the elders house..." his eyes widen, and points to the house up the hill. "You mean Lady Purah? She doesn't like to be disturbed" I shrug. "I don't really have a choice. Your see, I'm from Castle Town and... Oh... it's a long story" He thinks for a moment, and then smiles. "Here, I'll help you up the hill" He grabs my hand, and we make our way up the hill, and too the house. 

"Nice meeting you. I'm Kokiri" I comment, offering a hand. "Ah, nice to meet you Kokiri, I'm Thom.... You say you come from Castle Town?" I nod slowly, and his face falls. "I've never been outside of this area... around Heteno. They say the world is huge... is it?" I think for a moment. "I don't know... to be fair... this is one of the farthest places I've ever been. I spent the first 14 years of my life being guarded by my parents....." I shake my head. "Anyways... Nice to meet you Thom" He offers me a hand, and I shake it. 

I take a deep breath, and step into the large building, greeted by a lab of sorts. There's a young woman, who could either be 20 or 50, sitting at a table, pouring over books. "Are you Purah?" I ask. She looks up at me, and raises an eyebrow. "You look familiar. Do I know you?" She stands, and walks around me, looking me up and down. "My names Kokiri Lon Lon.... I'm the daughter of the Hero of Time" Her eyes widen, and her face melts into a shocked expression. Before I know what's happening, she embraces me. "You look so much like him... Like Link..." My stomach flips as I hear my fathers name. 

"He wrote to me often... and told me about you. He told me about you and your sister and your brother... When he stopped sending letters I knew that..." Purah shakes her head a bit, and then forces a smile. "I'm sure you have many questions dear. But I'll start from the beginning. I'm Purah... your fathers sister" My eyes widen. "What... But my father didn't have a..." I stop myself. This shouldn't be a surprise to me. "Yes... he probably never told you. We rarely talked.... And didn't know about each other until he was in his 20's.... Soon after Malon learned she was pregnant with twins" 

My face falls, and she sees this. "Oh dear... I never meant for you too be upset... Here, sit down, I'll make you some tea" I look around, as she rushes off into the kitchen. The room is big, with papers and books stacked everywhere. Three years ago... I would have loved to meet her. To learn about Hyrule and... well... everything really. Maybe after all of this is over, I can see her again... Maybe I can still be a scholar.... I push the thoughts out of my head as she walks back in, with some tea cups and a teapot. She places it down on the table, hands shaking. 

"By that mark on your hand, I can see that the 'blessing' of being a hero has passed down through the family" I look at the symbol of the triforce, my face forming into a frown. "Unfortunately" Purah sighs, touching the symbol, and shaking her head. As if on cue, the door bursts open, and a figure drenched in rain and carrying what looks like a bag of groceries walks in. "Put them away in the kitchen Thom" she says, then, looking between us, she motions to the floor. "Just drop them there, there is someone I want you to meet" He obeys, and sits down beside her. "Thom this is Kokiri. Kokiri, this Thom... your cousin" My eyes widen in surprise. "Um... we actually... met before..." 

Purah claps her hands together. "Wonderful... Thom... could you show Kokiri to the guest room?" I stop her. "I have a room at the inn.... It's really not necessary..." she brushes me off. "Of course it is dear... You can go pick up your stuff later. Thom will help you... He likes going down to the inn" Thom glares at her. "You have a girl... or a boy?" I ask him, smirking. "Not you too!" I throw my head back, and laugh. "Missy... The inn keepers daughter" says Purah, picking up the bags and motioning to the stairs. Thom grumbles something under his breath. 

"Alright, cousin, lets go"

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