Saria's Grace

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When I wake up, I'm lying on a bed of leaves in what looks to be a wooden, tree like house. Two Kokiri girls are staring down at me, with worried expressions plastered on their faces. "You saved the forest" said one, but she didn't sound excited at all. "You're arm..." explained the other, pointing to my right arm. It's covered in red vein like things, and the source of it is covered in a bandage. "We were able to stop the poison from spreading, but you might be in pain for a while" says the first, looking at the second with an even more worried expression. I nod slowly, taking this all in, and then sit up and pull my green over tunic over my head. "Thank you for your help" their expressions change from upset to happy as they look up at me. 

As if on cue, someone bursts through the door, trailed by two other Kokiri boys. "Oh good, your up" snaps Mido angrily. "What's your problem short stock?" I snarl, making the others gasp. "You wanna go? I will beat you into the ground, just like I did to your father when he was younger" I reach for my sword, but one of the Kokiri snatch it up before I can. "Big shot Ms. Hero can't fight without a sword?" he taunts, smirking. "Mido... Kokiri... Saria will get mad if you hurt each other!" insisted the first. "Don't worry, I won't get hurt..." says Mido, cracking his knuckles. "As interesting as that fight would be" says Saria, walking into the house angrily. "I need to talk to Kokiri. Mido, Forenz.... the rest of you, OUT!" 

They drop my sword and run out of the house as fast as possible. "Your just like your father, always picking fights with Mido" she says, picking up the sword and unsheathing it. She hums some sort of odd tune, and the sword glows green. When the glowing goes down, there's a green stripe making its way up the sword. "Give me your hand" she demands. I obey, and she takes my hand in hers. I feel a rush of energy course through me, and she smiles at me before saying. "My time as a human being is up. So I hand this power of to you, Hero of Hyrule. The power of the forest. Saria's Grace" She smiles sadly at me. "Go to Zora's Domain, to Queen Ruto and Princess Rutello, they will know what to do next" Before I know what's happening, Saria is glowing levitating off the ground, and then disappears in a flash of light that almost blinds me. 

"Saria...?" I ask, a little freaked out as I look down at my hands. On my right arm, where the snakes venom is still sitting, a green symbol, the symbol of the Forest Shade sits. It looks like a tattoo, and is glowing brightly. As if guided by Saria's Spirit, I press my hand against the wood floor, and vines burst from it, reaching out, and then turning into nothing as they see nothing to attack. The tattoo goes dark, and I step back for a second, before looking down at the sword, it still has the green stripe on it. "Where's Saria?" asks Mido, bursting through the door suddenly. "What... I don't... she just..." he glares at me. "GET. OUT. First the Great Deku Tree, and now this. Your family ruins everything! You're just like your no good father, an idiot, a coward, you don't take responsibility for anything!"

I glare down at him. "Take that back, my father wasn't a coward. At least he saved Hyrule. YOU sat in the forest crying for seven years while he fought Ganondorf" Mido seems a bit taken aback by this. "Well you know what? You think your father was so perfect? He killed the only father we ever had! The being who raised him! It's his fault the Deku Trees dead! We were all happy before he came here! He wasn't even a Kokiri, you have no right to bare that name, Hero! NO RIGHT!" We glare at each other, the other Kokiri's walking in to see us, and crying as they realize Saria's gone. "Fine. I'll never come back here again, neither will anyone else in my family! I can promise you that!" 

"FINE!" he yells, then says a little quieter. "I'm glad Link's dead" The Kokiri's have to literally hold us back from tackling each other. "That's right, I said it. I'm glad Link's dead. He was good for nothing anyways" I clench my fists. "YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU LITTLE SON OF A..." he rushes forward and punches me in the nose, hard. I pull out of the other's grasps, and look down at him. "Fine, I'll leave. But know this Mido, your not half the man that my father was. He died protecting his family, protecting Hyrule. He died for me, and for mom, and for Goro. You run at death, while he would have spit at its feet" I spit at his feet, grab my things, and then walk out the door angrily, calling for Epona. 

She comes running quickly to me, and I hop on her back.

"Alright... Take me to Zora's Domain"

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