Chapter 20: Where I've Gone

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Zack Andrew's POV~

A week has passed since I was released by my capture. And now, I don't even know where to go. I can't stay out in public anymore. I'm a werefox now. Half, but still. I'm not going to be able to survive in public.

I know it was illegal, but I also broke into my own home and took a few things. A photo of my parents, some money, and a few smaller necessities. I had to do it on fox form though. That way people wouldn't suspect a robbery. Can you even call it that? I mean, it was my stuff to begin with.

Anyway, I'm currently eating a few hot dogs I bought with little money I had. I decided condiments and bread isn't needed. It's not much, but it's enough for now. I can recklessly spend what I have. I had to hide at the edge of town.

I decided to take advantage of my fox form and made a small burrow near a tree. Actually, small is a bit of a lie. I made it so that I can at least move around in human form. I also found a basement door in the woods near my house. I use that as a way to cover the hole of my burrow to avoid too much rain from getting in.

I continued to eat and thought of Brian. I wonder how things are going for him. I mean, my life obviously went far downhill. It's hard to believe that I thought my life went downhill when I got kidnapped. But now I'm thankful for all he provided for me. I also thought about Eric. His parents are probably worried sick for them. I want to tell them the news, but surely they'd freak out if they knew about my situation.

As I finished eating, I noticed water coming into my den. I went to close the entrance, but it wasn't raining out. I then noticed the water was coming from me. Of course, I'm crying again. I sat against the wall of my burrow and put my face in my hands. I didn't bother trying to calm myself down. There's no one here to hear me cry anyway. I mean, I don't have anyone now. Just myself. So I continued on with letting my tears out.

Curse you, moon goddess. This is your fault. You had to choose a stupid way for werewolves to find mates. And this birthmark around my eye that I finally thought was special, in the end meant nothing. Just a mark that now symbolizes my past. A mark that put me in this situation in the first place.

I cried for maybe an hour. Too many things were going on. It's only been a year, and my life got ruined so fast. I don't know where I'll be going. Maybe I'll stay here. In this burrow.

I'm not sure if I'll find a lover. My mind always goes to Brian now. I never really got to thank him for anything. My mind was too caught up in the idea of leaving that I guess I never really noticed what all he did. Now I feel stupid for it too. I can't just go back. I don't remember the way. Even then, it's so far away. For a werewolf, it'd probably take an hour or two to get there. But on my feet, in human form, probably a day. In fox, maybe slightly less than that.

I try to push my thoughts out of the way as I changed into my fox form. I got nestled up and wrapped my tail around myself and got comfortable. I went to sleep for awhile, considering it's pretty late. It's really lonely in here, but I guess that's not something I can control. My stomach growled more as I slept, but I guess I can't really do much about it. I have to hunt at some point. If I don't, I'm not sure how long I'll last. So I guess I'll start tomorrow morning.

Brian's POV~

I had to give refuge to my mate. I explained to him the situation and he already knew about the Moon Goddess and such. I mean, what werewolf wouldn't, I suppose? He knew that I was his mate when I mentioned it to him.

The past week that's went by has been... awful to say the least. This Zack Henderson uses his title too much. He's abusing his power, and he's ignorant too. I tried using my inner alpha to command him to stop, but because he was a rogue, it wouldn't matter to him.

Every time I see him, he's always asking people to bring him something he doesn't need. He never thanks anyone. At night, when we sleep together, I'm always hugging a pillow instead. I've tried to hug him to cuddle, but he just pushes me away.

I left him to the bed and slept on the couch...
I have to treat my mate nicely, right? I took the body pillow with me and hugged it as I slept on the couch. Every time I hug it, all I can think of is Zack Andrews. The one I wish was my mate. I want to bring him back, but I can't go against the goddess. This Zack is my mate, and so I have to love him.

This Zack though, I have a feeling he won't ever love me. He's too focused on his power as the future Luna. This is probably not good for the pack.

I got up from the couch and went to the door. I opened it and heard Henderson talk to me from the bed.

"Where the hell are you going?" I just glanced at him, looked away, and simply answered "Alpha duties."

I walked down the hall and into my office. I sat down in my office chair and held the pillow close to me. I tried to imagine it was Henderson, but it's not the same. It isn't the little Zacky I've grown to love. I'm trying my best to forget this mistake and move on to love the Zack that is my true mate, but I can't. He's not the same as Andrews. He can never compare to him.

I sighed in frustration and did the forbidden as I imagined it was Zack Andrews. That worked a whole lot better as I now felt comfortable enough to sleep. I can't do this forever though. At some point, I have to get Henderson to love me and not my power. But I don't know if that's even possible. I continued to think about the Zack I grew to love and fell asleep.

...I really miss him.

???'s POV~

I was walking around and patrolling my area. I heard of rogue attacks in this area, so I'm concerned about any potential pack members getting hurt. I had my mate with me to keep me company and I had a few backup wolves in case of an ambush or the idea that hunters could try and take us down.

My mate suddenly sniffed the area and turned to look one way.

"I smell something familiar." She then ran off towards it as I ran after her.

"Ella, where are you going?! It's dangerous!" She continued to run and stopped at a tree. Or more specifically the base of the said tree.

I looked into the burrow and saw a fox in there, but I also saw a bag with a few things in it. I motioned the wolves to keep guard and for Ella to stay put. I went inside the burrow and silently grabbed his bag. I took out a family photo and my eyes widened. So that's who this is.

I put the photo back in it's bag and called for one of my wolves.

"John, take this fox into your care. He's the Luna of the Northern Lights Pack. He seems to be sick and hungry. Take care of him for awhile." My Beta followed my orders as he gently scooped up the fox and carried him back to the pack house. I grabbed his stuff and we all headed back. Zack, why the hell are you out here for?

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