Chapter 12: Questioning

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Zack's POV~

It was early in the morning. I wake up and get out of the possessive werewolf's grip. I walk around and find Denovan. I tug at his shirt and ask for breakfast. He nods and leads me to the kitchen where some eggs and toast was prepared for me. Denovan was carrying Luca, holding him tight to him as he slept. He wakes him up and sets him on a seat where another plate of eggs and toast was placed. Denovan whispered to Luca "I'll be back, okay? I'm going to go wake up our guest." Luca nods and starts to eat. Denovan soon leaves and I hurry up and finish my food. I watch Luca intensely, waiting for him to be done eating.
As soon as he's done I lead him toward the door. I grab Luca's hand as we get outside. I run and he asks where I'm taking him. "We're going back to our normal lives! I'll have to hide my ears and tail, but we're going back!" He moves his hand out of mine and shouts "No!" I look at him confused. He then says "I finally found someone to protect and love me! I don't want to be away from him! He's my guardian. He keeps me safe. And he loves me, and I love him!" I was taken aback. "Okay, you can stay. I'll be going now." Luca then says to me "You haven't even given him a chance, have you?"

I look back and ask "Why should I?" Luca then says "What has he done to you? Torture you? Hurt you? He hasn't laid a finger on you, has he? He loves you, Zack. And he wants you by his side. If you give him a chance, you may actually start to like him." I don't say anything. There's nothing to say. I go to run, but end up in the chest of a very familiar werewolf. He hugs me close to his chest. "I thought I lost you." I struggle and shout at him. "Let me go right now! I'm not going to be with you, so stop trying to make me!" He holds me closer to him in a very tight hug. He rubs my back. "Shhhh, don't worry. Alpha is going to take care of you."

I started crying. Not because I got caught, but because I thought about what Luca said. "You haven't even given him a chance, have you?" It lingers in my mind. Why should I give him a chance? He kidnapped me. He took away my friends, he took away my freedom. He took away everything. All for the sake of some stupid fate that I never agreed with. But, he hasn't hurt me. He hasn't tortured me. He hasn't done anything to hurt me. But, I'm scared of him. I shouldn't be. He doesn't look scary, and he doesn't threaten me. So why am I so scared? Is it because he's something I didn't think existed? Is it because he's part wolf? I don't know what it is, but it's all scary to me. I continue to cry, but he just rubs my back more. He then whispers in my ear "Don't ever leave me. I need you." I felt tingly. He says he needs me, but does he really? I'm just asking multiple things in my mind. Should I really give him a chance?

As I think, I stop crying. He smiles at me and lifts me up. He hugs me close to him and takes me back to Denovan's. I look and see Denovan hug Luca close to him. Luca leans into his furry chest and nuzzles it. They both look happy. It makes me wonder, where did he get those scars? Those bruises don't look accidental. Was he bullied? It makes me wonder. When we got back to Denovan's, Brian set me on a bed. He towers over me and lays on top of me. He's so heavy. He wraps his arms around me. He nuzzles into my neck. "Please, stop trying to leave. I love you, Zack. I need you by my side. I don't want anyone coming between us." I try to push him off, but it's no use. He tightens his hold on me and kisses my cheek. "I love you. So, so much." I couldn't move. His hold was so tight, not enough to hurt me, but enough so that I couldn't escape. I struggle to escape his tight grip, but he only tightened it. It didn't take long before Brian was out like a light. I struggled to get out of his grip, but I can tell he was aware of this. Even if he was asleep, it's like he knew I was trying to leave.

Denovan soon entered the room, looking a little pissed. I gulped nervously. He gets close to me and says "You leave Luca alone. He wants to be with me, and he doesn't want to leave. You can talk to him, but if I catch you trying to take him away from me, I'll make sure Brian takes care of you. And not in a way you'd like." I nod and gulp nervously. Denovan pets Brian's head and sighs. "You really need to start being nicer to him. After seeing his parents get killed right in front of him." My eyes widened. I didn't know he saw the death of his parents.

I was at school when I heard about the accident. I was devastated. I remember my best friend at the time was by my side when I heard. Eric comfort me and told me I could stay at his place. And I did so until I turned 16, started working, and started to live at my old place before my parents died. After that, I started making a living with myself. Getting a job, going to school, and so on. I wonder if people are searching. I don't know how far away from home I am. I wonder if they even remember. Denovan then says "He really loves you." I nod my head again. I think again. Should I give him a chance? He took everything from me, so should I give him a chance? It's all strange to me. I think about Eric. My best friend. Will I ever see him again? I cry thinking about it. My best friend since childhood. Gone. My school, my friends, my parents, all gone. Even if not everything was lost because of him, it still pains me to think about.

Denovan left the room. I thought about my life before I came here. It was good, it was bad, it was exciting, it was terrifying. Has my life gotten any better from being with him? I haven't had anyone try to kill me, I haven't been made fun of for my birthmark, I haven't had the stress of doing something I didn't know how to do. But is my life really better the way it is now? I can't help but think about Eric and his family. I miss them. I miss Eric. I wish I can see him again. Brian soon woke up and hugged me close. I didn't struggle this time. I made my decision. I think I'm going to give him a chance.

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