Chapter 5: The First Attempt

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Zack's POV~

I was able to walk around myself now. I'm surprised that damn mutt hasn't gave me a guard to make sure I don't do anything. He was currently at a "territorial meeting," or so I've heard. So this gives me an opportunity to get the hell out of here. I did my new daily morning routine, which only had 2 things. 1: Eat breakfast and/or lunch. 2: Plan some ways to get out. And 3: Eat dinner, if no ideas are present. So I did the first 2 parts of my daily routine. I was in my room and decided that I could try the first and obvious answer. Sneak around and escape with no one watching. I went out of my room and the white werewolf from before asked me "Hello Luna. Do you need anything at the moment?" I wanted to say 'Yeah, a way out of here,' but decided against it. Instead I said "I'm just going to walk around and stretch my legs a bit." She nods her head and says "If you ever need anything, please ask me or Alpha if he's present." I nod my head and walked around. Did I ever mention that this place is FILLED with werewolves? Kid werewolves, teenager, young adult, even pups. Apparently werewolves don't age too much past 22. Their appearance changes and growth stop at that age. Anyway, I was walking around, hoping to find the right spot and time to either open a window, or escape through a door. A lot of the time, I'm treated like royalty or something. Most people would like it, but NO!!! I hate it. I wanted to be treated normally, not called this "Luna" thing or whatever. I don't want to even be associated with werewolves. I just want to get the hell out of here. I was walking around and saw a hall. I open the window to get out. However, I look to see a small, probably 4 year old looking werewolf walk next to me. He then says "Luna, where are you going?" I look at the kid and pet his head and said "Luna is going for a jog. Don't tell Alpha though." They nod their head and I hope they don't realize that I'm actually trying to escape. I get out of the window and close it. I wave bye to the young werewolf inside and start to jog, before I start running.

Brian's POV~

I was finally done with that stupid territorial meeting. Some people just don't realize that some people need more territory than others. Aside from that, I'm glad that it's finally done. Now I can go back to my cute little Zack's room and cuddle with him. I don't care if he struggles. He doesn't have a choice after that stressful meeting. He's going to cuddle with me whether he likes it or not. I was walking around, making sure everything was okay. Once I was done with that, I went into my cute little mate's room. However, I didn't see him. "Zack~ If you think you can hide from me, you're very mistaken." I look around and under the bed too. I then say "Zack, you better come out before I find you myself. Then I'll never let go of you." However, I didn't hear anything. Turning into my werewolf form, I sniff the air and his scent isn't strong. That means he's somewhere else. I start to walk around the hallways. His scent following a trail. I see Rose and ask "Have you seen my mate?" She then says "I saw him earlier, Alpha. He said he was just going to walk around the pack house" I nod and continue, but soon start running around trying to find him. "ZACK!!! YOU BETTER COME OUT RIGHT NOW!!!" I yelled this, but you could hear the worry in my voice. I then pulled up a pack meeting and said to everyone "My mate has disappeared. If anyone has seen him, tell me now." A few rose up their hands, but a young one caught my attention. I calmed myself and walked up to them to make sure they don't get scared. I crouch down to his height and asked "Where did he go?" The kid looks at me and says "He walked out a window and told me that he was going for a jog." I then smile and ruffled his hair and said "Thank you. You'll be a great werewolf when you're older." I then said "Everyone. Get out and look for him. My mate is important and needs to be found. He is not allowed off the premises without my say so." They all nod and run out to hunt for him. I got out too and started my search. I started running off. I was the only one with my mates scent, so finding him should be easy. I felt my mates scent get stronger. I start running toward that direction and see my Zack running. I howled to let the others know I found him. I howled again to let them know that they must surround him. After the first howl, Zack started to run faster. He saw and knew I was right behind him in wolf form. However, he comes to a stop when Blake runs in front of him. He goes to run a different way, but I'm there. Soon all of the others show up and surround us. I then go in my regular werewolf form and walked toward him. He backed up, but I still caught him. He struggles a bit, but stop as I say "Zack, Zack, Zack. I already told you. You're mine, and you're not ever leaving me. I'll make sure of that." He struggles and says "LET ME THE HELL GO!!!" I just smile and hug him close. I kiss his head and said "I won't. I love you so, so much. You need to stay with me. Even if it takes over a million years. I'm not ever letting you leave me. You will love me. The goddess will make sure of it. I'll make sure of it." He struggles more and I can feel water on my fur. He was crying. I kiss his head and pet it. I say in a calming voice "shhh. I'm here. I'll protect you and take care of you. Nothing will hurt you." He continues to cry and I continue to pet his head. I then said "Now, let's go back home and cuddle." He continues to cry in my chest as we start the walk home. I tried all I can to soothe him, but his tears keep coming. I understand he doesn't want this, but I need this. I need him. He needs to forever stay by my side. We finally got home and I take my little mate back to his room. I close and lock the door.

Zack's POV~

Why did this have to happen to me? Why couldn't I just have a normal life. I miss my friends. I miss my school. I want my normal life back. I continue to cry on my new bed as I lay there. Brian soon comes back with another werewolf and says "Zack, meet Matthias. He will be your new guard to make sure you stay out of trouble. If you ever have any problems, let him know." I then mumble "I already have a problem." Matthias then says "Sir, if you'd like to address the problem, I will gladly listen." I then say "I have a problem with this place. I want to go home." Brian walks to my side and says "Don't get your hopes up." He excuses Matthias and picks me up. He sits on the couch and holds me on his lap. He lays my head against his chest as he nuzzles my head, holding me close to him. I push against his chest, but he doesn't seem to like it as he starts growling. I stop pushing which causes him to stop growling. I then ask "Can I just sit next to you?" He then says "No. Until you learn to behave, you sit on my lap." I sigh as I thought of more ways to either get out of here. If not, there's only one other way how.

Matthias picture above chapter.

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