Chapter 25: Healing

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Zack's POV~

I was on a bed when I was woken up. It seems like I had passed out due to blood loss. I had a really bad headache waking up. I sat up on the bed I was laid on and look at my pillow. A big puddle of red was there, most likely staining the pillow.

I went to reach up for the spot my ear was slashed by that other Zack that was Brian's true mate. It never really doesn't hurt hearing that, but then I just remember what Brian had said to me before I came here and butterflies fill my stomach.

Before I could even touch the slashed part, I feel a grab on my wrist. Not a tough grip, just a light grip. I look up and see it was John. Smiling at me with sad, teary eyes.

"Don't touch it, Zack. You're all stitched up, but let's not undo those stitches." I nod after hearing him say that.

I blush as John then picks me up and places me on his lap, forcing me to look at him. He hugs me tightly, being careful with my stitches ear and cries a bit.

"I'm so sorry, Zack. This wouldn't have happened if I couldn't control myself. It's just... That Luna is nothing but trouble. I couldn't control my anger. I'm so sorry." He cried on my shoulder for a little bit as I rubbed his back to comfort him a bit.

"It's fine. I understand you're angry. I could tell too that Henderson was trouble. His demeanor was full of arrogance, and it was clear he didn't care about anything but himself." I say trying to comfort him.

"But may I ask what he meant?" I say with a look of both curiosity and sadness.

John separates me from the hug and places me back on the bed. He then grabs my shoulders tightly and stares at me in the eyes with a serious, sad, yet angry look. Not towards me, but maybe because I asked? I wasn't exactly sure.

His grip softens a bit as it seems he could tell I was a little bit scared. He sighs and tries to collect himself a bit.

"That Luna. That, Zack Henderson or whatever the hell his name was... Was the rogue leader that  killed my pack years ago."

I was surprised to hear this, and John nodded before continuing.

"Before I became the Beta of the Lunar Star Pack, I had my own pack. One I was actually the alpha of. It was called the Violet Thorns pack. The pack was big, and it had many werewolves in it. One of them, was my own mate. I had loved him greatly, I still do. But one day, a group of rogues came and started attacking. Normally rogues aren't a problem for us, but these rogues were so advanced in their combat. All of our werewolves didn't stand a chance against them. And they weren't merciful either. No one survived in their path. And eventually, one of them set the pack house on fire. I tried to escape with my mate, but some debris had fell on him during our attempt to escape. I tried to save him, but the fire was intense. He smiled at me, tears flowing down his cheeks. 'Go, leave me behind. Just survive for me,' he said. I didn't listen and tried to save him. But the flames took him from me."

I was getting tearful at his story as he looked down at his paws. I looked too and saw scars I didn't notice before.

"These scars are constant reminders of the failure I am. I couldn't save my packhouse. I couldn't save the pack. I couldn't even save my own mate."

I hugged John to try and help him with his emotions. He hugged me back, a little bit tighter, but still being careful of my ear.

"I had lost faith in the moon goddess after that. How could she just sit and let it happen? And I knew that with losing faith in the goddess, I could have received some kind of punishment. But I didn't. Sometimes I wish I had though. I always look at this birthmark on my chest and wonder why I even have it anymore. I'm such a failure."

I grabbed the sides of John's head, making him face me.

"You're not a failure John. It's not your fault. You tried your best. It's that Zack Henderson's fault. He caused your past. You did what you could, and you tried so hard to save your mate. Even if he's gone now, I bet he's still watching over you. And he doesn't want to see you like this. You're not a failure John. Just look at yourself here in the Lunar Star Pack! You've done nothing but put others before yourself and take care of them! You're a great Beta, and you know it! So stop saying you're a failure because you're not!"

John's eyes were in tears, but not sad tears. But thankful, I'd want to say. But I wasn't prepared for what happened next.

I feel John put a hand behind my head as he forced me to him. He held me close, and locked lips with me.

I was stunned by this, not knowing what to do, or even how to feel. He stopped for a moment, but did it again. And again. And again.

"Zack, I love you. So, so much..."

A pit grew in my chest. As much as I would have wanted to say it back, I couldn't. It felt wrong. But why? John has taken great care of me, and I respect him for that. But it didn't sit right with me to say the same thing back. I feel like I had just lost something important, but that isn't the case. I know it's not. I felt guilty, but why?

I sat there, not saying anything as John hugged me close. I didn't know what to say or do as he held me. I hugged him back, but it wasn't strong. I felt like crying. I didn't know what to do. I felt frozen in my thoughts. All I could do was just accept John's affection for now, but I'm not sure I can return it. I didn't feel right.

Soon, our little moment, though sad as it felt for me, was interrupted by Liz opening the door. She looked panicked.

"John, we gotta go now!"

The both of us were confused as John asked why.

"It's the Northern Lights Pack! They're under attack by rogues!"

Given the story I was just told, I have no doubts that Zack Henderson was behind it. John got up after putting me back on the bed. His menacing aura becoming present as it seems he too had the same thought.

"Then let's go and save them!"

They go to walk out, and I follow. John looks at me with concern.

"Zack, you have to stay here! You need to heal!"

I shook my head.

"No! Brian and the rest of the pack is there! I need to go see and help them the best that I can!"

John then stopped and held me close.

"Zack, you can't. You're too hurt. We'll take care of this."

I shook my head no once again.

"I was in that pack for a year! My human friend is still there! He could be in danger!"

John sighed and picked me up.

"You better stay close to me. Don't run off."

I nodded my head as we ran towards the pack house. And when we got there, there was only one thing you could see.


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